(End of Confrontation Arc) Chapter 3 - Showdown

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While Junta and Xiaomeng were focusing on training their own elemental powers while working together to fight evil beings that surfaced in human society that came from the evil forces that stole the seal that kept the powerful Demon Lord Ivanov, they also improved their control of their powers and they slowly outgrew the need for their power-binding wristbands, but they kept them on just in case. In addition, the both of them proceeded to go in depth into their study of the theories of magic and sorcery and impart it to their students.

Magic and sorcery were different. Magic happened in nature and there was no system or order, and they are just magical phenomenon powered by a magical power source called 'mana', but sorcery involved invoking stored procedures embedded in the magic circuits of their bodies to perform magical tasks. For most people, all they were doing was invoking the stored procedures through verbal commands, and the magic schools were teaching you to do just that. However, the research into this field delves down into controling magic at code level so that magical tasks can be performed even without these stored procedures.

These stored procedures are not just stored in the body, but are also mostly codified in the mana that envelops the Earth. Most of the code are in runes, Chinese characters, Sanskrit text, and so on. Literacy of such text in these languages are an imperative in order to decipher them.

Since they inherited the knowledge from their foster parents, such literacy came naturally. And also, such stored procedures were found in the mana contained on the Earth, and they were linked to that other planet called Midgardia which was located in another solar system. And they also learnt that this was deeply related to Earth's ancient history.

However, the linkage between Earth and Midgardia weaked as time passed, and magic had to make way for modern science.

Therefore, many magical races and magical technologies faded out from Earth, and the remaining magical races were annihilated by Earth's humans.

The Dou Luo tribe was one of them.

Apart from recruiting hero talents, Junta and Xiaomeng's mission was to search for surviving descendants of the Dou Luo tribes and create a sanctuary for them in which they may thrive.

However, the advice they got from their seniors and colleagues was to return them to Midgardia, since Earth was being monitored by the 'Dark Empire", which they could not afford to offend or risk causing Earth to be destroyed in a split second.

When they analyzed the information, the Dark Empire was trying to weaken the Earth by weakening the magical aspects of human civilization, so that they would not be strong enough to resist the Dark Empire.

Junta and Xiaomeng scanned their memories and realized that Midgardia was where their foster parents recovered from their curse and acquired and trained their new skills.

Junta and Xiaomeng inherited such skills and knowledge to add to their training and research schedule, but some skills could not be tested out due to the lack of magic spots on Earth.

When they traced the research materials in their organization, demons were once very powerful on Earth, but the previous generation of heroes wrecked the energy source of the demons, causing them to weaken, which meant that even if the Demon Lord were to be revived, his minions would need to search for a powerful magic source for him. Junta and Xiaomeng proceeded to search for such magical sources.

Even at night, Junta and Xiaomeng made love to each other and exchanged elemental energy. Depending on the days, they would channel each of their elemental powers while making love, adopting the appearance corresponding to that element, but both Junta and Xiaomeng would have to channel the same element at the same time during the process. In addition, there were times where they summoned all their ten elements and transformed into their ultimate forms while doing it. They loved each other so much, and they deepened their love towards each other, but it also had the effect of increasing their powers.

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