(Heroes Arc) Chapter 3 - OTR Academy

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The OTR Academy trained students to become secret agents who fought in the shadows against extraterrestrial threats, and taught them secrets of the world not known to most people, and not covered by any of the world's media, under the leadership of the Wonderwall Foundation.

One such student was Arunsira Wongsirat (อรุณศิระ วงศ์ศรีราช), also known by his nickname Nazha, a Thai of Chinese descent. Upon graduation, he became part of an elite category of mercenary fighters called Chayamaya (ฉายามายา), performing secret missions to deal with supernatural threats as requested by their clients and also for the police and military and religious organizations. Nazha was one of the most highly regarded fighters of his batch. While not on missions, Nazha continues to train at the Chayamaya Academy which operates under the OTR Academy which is wholly-owned by OTR Group, a very powerful organization in Thailand and the rest of Asia with former mafia origins though it was washing of its tarnished image by engaging in socially-beneficial businesses.

But before that, Nazha came a long way, and part of his training was to wear this golden mask that would enhance his powers while on his reconnaissance missions.

On one of his training days, Nazha fully recovered from being unconscious for a few days after the mission and resumed his training and classes as usual.

However, it didn't take long for him to be sent back to the infirmary after a rough training session.

He tried to recollect what happened before he ended up on the infirmary bed.

Training. It was training. And he got beaten up, since he was using the training room at the same time with other students.

They didn't like him. They were always jealous of him.

Especially Vajra (वज्र/วัชระ) and Rudra (रुद्र/รุทร), the leaders of the Disciplinary Committee of Chayamaya Academy.

Vajra was a tanned guy with a crew cut and often dressed with a rugged look, with black singlet and a pair of brown khaki pants. He wielded the power of lightning and held a metallic rod. Whenever he used his powers, his hair and the rest of his body would radiate with a whitish glow that represents lightning elemental power. When he trains Nazha in using the power of this element, Nazha's hair and body would also glow with the same color.

Rudra was a guy wish a handsome girlish face who wielded a metallic chakram that could act as a fan for blowing enemies away. He often wore blue jeans, pink T-shirt, and a blue jacket. His hair was straight and short. Whenever he used his powers, his hair and the rest of his body would radiate with a sky-bluish glow that represents wind elemental power. When he trains Nazha in using the power of this element, Nazha's hair and body would also glow with the same color.

And the both of them beat him up really hard in the Danger Room.

After the doctor came to check his condition after noticing he's awake.

Nazha was lying down on the hospital bed in his blue inpatient attire.

"How are you feeling, Nazha?"

"Okay, I guess. Except my head hurts..." said Nazha. "Dr Boom (भूम / ภูมิ)."

"Hah, you can remember my name, that's good enough," said Dr Boom, a young tanned doctor with big eyes and double eyelids wearing a white coat and black trousers, a brown belt, and a bronze watch. He took out a black pen with gold rim to record down his findings.

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