Chapter 39

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"What about it?"

"That's where it's going to happen."

"What is?" Gentry says.

"The massacre."

Gentry looks confused, so I tell her about the feelin' Rose had when she entered William Clarke's room.

"Who's that?"

"The school teacher who spent the night before Rose and Shrug came."

"What about him?"

"Rose thinks he's evil."

Rose says, "I had a bad feeling the minute I entered the room where Clarke spent the night. When I tried to sleep in the bed, I got hit with the worst visions I've had since I was a child."

"What kind of vision?" Gentry says.

"I saw people being dragged out of their homes, beaten and shot. Dozens and dozens. I saw their faces, from old men to little boys. They were begging and pleading for their lives. Their homes and businesses were set on fire. Hundreds of men attacked the town."

"Indians?" I say.




"What type of men?"

"I don't know. But William Clarke was in charge."

I know I must appear mystified. "The school teacher?"

"He's not a school teacher, Emmett. At least, not in my vision."

"Clarke said he was gonna join the Missouri State Guard."

"The men in my vision don't appear to be soldiers," Rose says. "They could be, but that's not the feelling I get. They're not in uniform."

"Have your visions ever been wrong?" Gentry says.

"Yes. With regard to the timing. Sometimes I'm off by a year or more, because I see events, not dates. But the events I see always happen, eventually."

"If they always happen, there's nothing you can do to change them."

"Maybe. But I've never really tried to change them before. This time, I am."

I see her set her jaw. "What're you sayin', Rose?"

"I'm going to travel there and warn the town."

"You can't. They'll think you're either crazy, or..."

"Or a witch?" she says.

I nod.

"I'm willing to take the chance."

"I'll go with you," Gentry says.


"Emmett, Rose can't go there alone. I want to help."

"They'll hang you both!"

"Then come with us."

"What about Rudy? What about sheriffin'? What about the saloon?"

"We'll just be gone a couple weeks," Emmett. "Wing can keep an eye out, and Constance can run the place for two weeks. As for sheriffin', you're allowed a couple weeks off."

I can't see what harm it'll do to try to warn people they could all be dead soon. "What would we tell the people of Lawrence?"

"We'll explain they'll be fine if they move away," Rose says.

I frown. "People don't like to leave their homes and businesses."

There's a knock at the door. "Emmett?"

It's Leah.

"Just a minute," I say.

"They'll leave their homes and businesses to keep from dying," Rose says.

"If we can convince 'em it's true," I say.

The knock at the door is repeated.

"Come on in, if it's so damned urgent!" I yell.

Leah bursts in, breathless.

"What?" I say.

"Billy the Kid is out front."

I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious. He's out there, and wants to kill you."

"He said that?"

"Yes! He yelled it for the whole saloon to hear. Said for someone to come get you or he'd start shootin' people in the street."

I shake my head. "It's always somethin'," I say.

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