1.6 Pain of the Past

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Y/N and Cisco high fived in the lab. They both celebrated their recent victory. Y/N took off his suit while Cisco was thinking up a few names.

Cisco: Mr. Mardon is no more. "Mr. Mardon." That doesn't sound right. He needs a cool name like "The Twister" or "The Weatherman."

Y/N: "Wind Breaker"? "Tornado Watch"?

Cisco: Oh, I've got it! "Weather Wizard."

Y/N: That's actually pretty sick.

Cisco: Yeah it is.

The two clapped their hands together in agreement. Dr. Wells rolled over to Y/N with a grin on his face.

Wells: I must say, Mr. L/N, you were quite remarkable out there. Maybe with you running around we can do some good in this city.

Y/N: Thank you, Dr. Wells. But I couldn't have done it without you, any of you.

Wells: Well, thank you, Y/N. I'm sure we can find more ways to help. We still have a lot to learn about your powers. What you showed tonight was quite extraordinary and showed just what these gifts are capable of when put into the right hands. Right, Dr. Snow?

He looked over at Caitlin. The brunette was staring at the screen showing Y/N's fight with Clyde. Caitlin looked at images of Y/N and Mardon each using their powers. After a moment, she shook her head and walked off.

Caitlin: I need a moment to think.

She walked through a door into one of the smaller labs placed around the building. Y/N watched her go and looked at the others.

Y/N: I'll go talk to her. 

Y/N followed Caitlin through the door, shutting it behind him. He found her standing with her hands on her hips, lost in thought. She was pacing around the room.

Y/N: You alright?

Caitlin: Yes. No. I just...

She stopped and turned to look at him.

Caitlin: I just cannot believe it. Any of it. I can't believe what is going on out there. In just the past few days, you alone have broken every known law we know about speed and human physiology. And then you go out and defeat the impossible while doing the impossible.

Y/N: Like it or not, this is just the weird reality we live in now.

Caitlin sighed and looked at him. Y/N could tell that the very existence of these meta-humans was irritating her logic-based brain.

Caitlin: You're a scientist. You should be questioning these things as well. Yet you seem so willing to automatically accept it all as if it were the discovery of a mere speck on a leaf. What we have here is the impossible, something science cannot explain.

Y/N: Isn't that the point of science, to explain how the impossible is possible? 150 years ago, people saw a trip to the moon as a mere fantasy, but science helped get us there. Species thought to be impossible to exist have been rationally explained away by science. The same principal applies here. It only seems impossible now because science has yet to explain it. That's what we're doing here.

Caitlin calmed down, looking at him curiously.

Caitlin: I've seen your work. Not just your lab work, but your exploration into mythology and cryptids. Why are you so willing to easily believe in the impossible?

Y/N looked at her and exhaled. He bent down and sat on a bench in the center of the room. The young man folded his hands together, lowering his head.

Y/N: When I was 9, my parents were killed in a car crash. I was in the crash with them, but... I survived. And through everything that happened, the pain, the sorrow, the misery, there was one thing that stuck with me. I saw a flash of blue light. Standing in it appeared to be a figure dressed all in black.

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