Y/N L/N was always a believer in the impossible, but he never suspected he would become the impossible. When a fateful lightning strike gives Y/N the power to move at super fast speeds, he must learn to step up as a hero against similarly affected p...
Y/N-27: Thought you were the only Y/N with knowledge of the multiverse?
Y/N struggled and pushed against his doppelganger. He finally managed to free himself by kicking him in the shin. The Flash fell down and picked up his headgear before running off. The Reverse Flash sneered with a sinister grin and chased after him.
The two dual speedsters raced across the ravaged city. They shoved into one another and collided through the streets. Y/N was fast, but found his counterpart to be equally matched in speed and skill. Reverse Flash slammed the Flash against the wall before Y/N would run off and get the trip on him.
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The two continued their back and forth until the yellow speedster got the upper hand. As Y/N was running, he found himself being punched in the face by another Reverse Flash. He rolled on the ground and on his side. The yellow suited doppelganger stopped close to him.
Y/N-27: Guess you didn't see that one coming.
Y/N: What... What was that?
Y/N-27: You never seen that trick before? Gosh. You really are slow.
Y/N: Time travel?
Y/N-27: No. Something much simpler.
The Reverse Flash held up a finger, indicating for his counterpart to watch. The yellow speedster began vibrating quickly back and forth between two locations. He disappeared for a moment before reappearing. However, now he was standing in two places at once. There were two versions of him standing side-by-side.
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Y/N: I... What?
Y/N-27: Always like to show off for a fan. I never really have those anymore. A speed mirage. Multiple places, multiple images...
Suddenly, as Y/N was still lying down, he was grabbed and picked up by a third Reverse Flash. The third image slammed him against a corner wall nearby. The two other images of the yellow speedster vanished into thin air.
Y/N-27: ...all at once.
Y/N grunted back at his clearly malevolent alter. He squirmed in his tight grasp, holding onto the fist clenched around his throat.