4.6 The Code

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Y/N was sitting down on the floor, his wrists chained to the wall. He was held down by a copy of Snart's cold gun, which was propped up on a stand and connected to a timer. Every six seconds, the gun would fire at Y/N, encasing him in more ice. The fast man screamed in pain, unable to vibrate out due to the extreme cold.

On the other side of the room, Caitlin was placed in a similar position. She was chained to the wall and surrounded by heaters. Anytime the temperature dropped below a certain degree, Mick's heat gun would go off, igniting flames close to the imprisoned girl's feet. Cait was sweating profusely, her hair dripping wet and her shirt soaked from the neck down.

Mardon made his way over to Caitlin, grinning and seeing the chained girl down on the floor.

Mardon: What's the matter, sweety? Can't take the heat? Such a shame. 

Caitlin: You'll regret this.

Mardon: Will I? 

Caitlin: You're monsters, all of you. You're just a thief and murderer who doesn't deserve what they've been given.

Mardon: Maybe, but at least I'm something without my gifts. You said it yourself, I was a murderer even before this. Cops feared me. Now look at you. Not really anybody without your powers, are you? Is that how it works? You go by, live your miserable little life while your other side gets all the excitement? Sounds pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Caitlin eyed him. Her own eyes then turned white and her skin pale. Her hair become ghostly white like the snow.

Frost: Don't ever speak to her like that again.

Mardon simply smirked as the heat gun activated, shooting out flames and forcing Frost to revert back into Caitlin.

Mardon: That's what I thought.

Y/N spoke through gritted teeth and extreme pain.

Y/N: Leave her alone, you son of a bitch.

Mirror Master waltzed over to the Flash. He held a knife in his hand and pointed it towards Y/N's neck.

Scudder: I wouldn't be so quick on the draw, Flash. Maybe you deserve a little lesson in pain, see what it's like to have everything stripped away from you as your body lies there in a cold, frozen tomb.

He brought the knife closer, the tip just touching the side of Y/N's throat. Scudder was stopped by Cold calling out again.

Snart: Enough. I told you, no killing.

Trickster: Oh, Snart. You always have to be such a buzz kill. 

Scudder turned around, eyeing Snart.

Scudder: Damn you and your code, Snart! You told us that if we joined you, we'd eliminate the Flash! Central City would be ours!

Snart: I said we'd slow him down, get him out of the picture. I did not say we would kill him. Besides, this is more than just about my code of honor.

Scudder: Yeah? You afraid every cop in the city will come after ya if they find out you were the one who killed the Flash?

Snart: It's not the cops I'm afraid of. Speedy has friends now, powerful friends. We kill him and it's only a matter of time before one of the big guns comes in to beat us before we even walk out the door. Do you really want to face off against the blue boy scout? How about looking over your shoulder to see the Bat standing there? Killing him would only give us more trouble.

Mick: Well, at the very least, you could let us take that tin cap off of him and see who he is behind those goggles of his. You already know who he is. Why can't we?

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