6.7 The Hero's Last Stand

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Caitlin turned the corner down the hall and entered one of the small storage rooms. She knew where her boyfriend had gone off too. It was typically his hideout room when he wanted to be left alone. She never knew why until now.

Caitlin entered the dark room. Lab equipment and various storage boxes were stacked up around the room. All the lights were off. However, there was still one source of light coming from the other side of the room. Cait maneuvered past the stacked equipment and spotted Y/N sitting down on a metal beam. Next to him was a small digital projector. It shined a video image onto the wall in front of him. Caitlin sighed upon seeing what he was watching.

The video showed old home recordings of Y/N when he was little. He looked adorable. Any other time she would have awed at the picture of Y/N wearing toddler clothes. But it was who else was in the video that made her stop. Little baby Y/N was jumping around in a mobile bouncer. He looked like he was trying to dance to some music. Next to him was his father who was bouncing along and dancing next to him. The older gentleman smiled down brilliantly, proud of his boy. Cait now knew where Y/N got his own smile.

The video changed to a different moment. This one showed Y/N as a toddler with flour all over him. Holding him up in her arms was his mother. She too was covered in flour. The two obviously had just been baking some cookies and had decided to have some fun with the leftover ingredients.

The next video showed Y/N excitedly standing in front of his family's new home in Central City. The sign on the front lawn labeled it as recently bought. While Y/N waved to the camera, his father came in and tickled him. The two began running around in the front lawn. Y/N was trying to keep up even with his father's slower jog. He never really was athletic when he was young.

The video switched to what looked like the L/N family's first Christmas in their new home. Y/N could be seen underneath the Christmas tree excitedly unwrapping a present. He gleamed with joy and excitement at seeing what it was: a kid's chemistry set.

The next video showed Y/N in a small lab coat that appeared to be a size too big for him. Standing next to him was a kid who looked maybe two years older of whom Caitlin could only guess to be Barry. The two were standing proudly in front of their latest project together. They had constructed a baking soda volcano and were presenting it for the camera.

While the two were distracted, both boys' dad could be seen sneaking up from behind. The two adults smiled and poured some vinegar inside the volcano. The display erupted with white foam spewing out onto the boys. The kids both turned around with smiles of shock. Their fathers were laughing. 

The two boys raced towards their fathers. Henry ran off with Barry chasing him throughout the house. Y/N's dad tried to escape, but Y/N cut him off by jumping onto the couch and leaping towards him. He tackled him to the ground. The two laughed and rolled on the ground with one another.

The adult Y/N watching the film lightly chuckled. Caitlin looked over at him. Despite the small crack of a smile, she could see the tear stains on his cheeks. She walked over to him carefully. Y/N noticed her approaching. Instead of moving, he made space and allowed her to sit down next to him.

Caitlin: Hey.

Y/N: Hey.

Y/N turned to look back at the film in front of him. 

Y/N: I've kept this in here for a bit now. Anytime I feel like I need a break or something to get me back up, I come in and watch this. Just seeing those faces and hearing those voices again means so much. But right now...

He shook his head and put it down. Caitlin could hear the coarseness in his voice. She placed one hand on his knee and the other on his back.

Caitlin: I know.

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