8.9 Grief and Healing

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The team was hit hard. Zolomon had tricked them, he caught them all off guard, and one of their own paid the price. Everyone mourned in their own way for the loss of Harrison Wells. Joe took to caring for the body, taking the once brilliant man down to the morgue in the lower levels. Patty went about trying to find anything related to a will or last testament. She had to stop every five minutes to give herself a break and cry.

Cisco walked into the main workshop lab. He flicked the light switch on and looked around. Scattered about were various tools, components, and half complete machines, some of which would now never be finished. Ramon walked through the lab with a dull expression. He was trying to keep from breaking down again.

While walking through the workshop, Cisco made his way over to one of the old pieces of equipment that had been awaiting its movement into storage. He stopped to look at it. It was about three feet high and two or so feet wide. It had a small kick plate for a person to place their legs. A remote steering stick was placed on the arm of the item.

Cisco took in the old wheelchair once used by his mentor so many years ago. He thought back on everything. Even before all of this, he remembered when he had first met Dr. Wells. While most just saw Cisco as an oddball inventor who was a little too passionate about his projects, Harrison saw him for what he really was. A genius. A genius with a mind that should be allowed to flourish. That was when he invited Cisco to join him at S.T.A.R. Labs.

And so Cisco joined and he stayed by his mentor's side. Others may have doubted his expertise, but Dr. Wells always supported him. And Cisco stayed loyal to him. Even when everything came crashing down, he made the conscious decision to go with him on the run for over nine months. And it all started with one meeting and an awkward handshake.

Barry walked into the workshop. He found Cisco staring down at the chair. His hand was running over the joystick for the device. Tears looked like they were about to burst from his eyes.

Allen walked over to his friend. Cisco saw him and turned. The two embraced each other in a tight hug. Cisco broke down once more. He allowed himself the moment to cry and let it all out. Barry started to cry as well, but he remained strong, comforting his friend by rubbing circles into his back.

 Barry started to cry as well, but he remained strong, comforting his friend by rubbing circles into his back

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Y/N, Caitlin, and Judy were all in the lab. Each were in their own silent bit of mourning. Caitlin had her head down and was twiddling her fingers. She thought back to the first time she had met Dr. Wells and everything that had transported since.

Y/N paced back and forth with his hands on his hips. His eyes were red, his cheeks flushed. In a bitter moment of anger, Y/N kicked the chair that was next to him. It went hurtling back and fell to the ground with a loud clang. Y/N pressed himself against the wall and slid down on his rear. He wiped his face and covered his eyes.

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