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The loud ringing of the alarm woke me up from my sleep. When I looked at the clock on the wall, I felt relieved that I wasn't late. Staying up so late last night could have easily made me oversleep and miss an important day at work. I shook my head to stop thinking more  and quickly rushed to take a shower.

After a refreshing morning shower, I quickly got ready for my day. Looking through my wardrobe, I decided on a comfortable pink kurti with pretty designs printed all over it, paired with trousers of the same hue.

Next moving to the mirror to tend to my hair and makeup. I brushed my long tresses, gathering them into a simple bun. Makeup was minimal, just some light touches here and there to enhance my natural features for an easy daily look. Finally, I took a soft white troll and loosely draped it over my head.

Just then, I heard my mother's sweet voice calling me down for breakfast. I knew I shouldn't waste another minute or I'd be late. Grabbing my phone and bag, I went quickly downstairs.

"Slow down, girl," Mamma said, shaking her head at how rushed I seemed. "Why are you always in such a hurry?"

I walked over and gave her a warm hug. "Mom, don't be angry, but I can't be late today. I'll have my breakfast at work."

Without a word, she stood up to start packing my breakfast to take with me. But I gently stopped her. "Mamma, listen, I'll be late, I promise I'll eat my breakfast and video call you so you can see."

She looked at me with concern.
"You're being so careless with your health," she scolded. "And this video call, you should do that for your dad. He'll be very upset if he finds out you left without breakfast."

I gave her a playful smile and winked. "Ah, I can handle him." Then I softly kissed her forehead.

Mamma gently cupped my face in her caring hands. "Fii Ammanlilah," she said lovingly. I gave her a firm nod and headed out the front door.

Pulling out my phone, I saw that I was running a little behind schedule. I hoped the traffic wouldn't be too bad today and make me late. As I looked up from my phone, I noticed Uncle, our newly hired driver, pulling up in the car.

As Bhai, my old driver, had become extremely busy with work at the office lately. He simply didn't have time anymore to drive me or pick me up like he used to. So Baba had hired a new driver, I chuckled to myself, thinking about how, if my brother found out I referred to him as driver.


I pushed open the heavy doors of the hospital, my heart started pounding rapidly in my chest. Nervousness and excitement swirled within me, finally today I would be training in the surgery area , This was a step closer to my dream.

Before entering the operating room, I followed the protocol, donning the crisp blue surgical gown over my scrubs. The fabric rustled as I smoothed my hands over it, a way that helped calm my jumpy nerves.

Senior Dr. Faheem, my mentor for the day, greeted me with a warm smile as we made our way into the operating theatre. The bright overhead lights and the beeping of the monitoring machines only increased my anxiety.

Drawing a deep breath, I silently uttered before stepping forward.

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,"
(In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)  

Right away, my gaze immediately fell upon the patient completely still, covered in sheets. We looked at Dr. Faheem, In response He nodded at us reassuringly and started explaining the patient's condition

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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