Chapter 18

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Jaehyun said, "How is it that some people have a constant stream of blossoming love, like peach blossoms blooming one after another without end?"

Mingyu said, "It's fate."

Suho said, "There's no such thing as an ugly man, only lazy men. You two should clean yourselves up, I'm sure there will be girls who like you."

Mingyu said, "Do you have any more face masks? Let me use one."

Suho said, "Sure, one hundred yuan per mask."

Mingyu said, "Damn it, you're robbing me!"

Suho said, "Uncultured."

Jaehyun said, "That's still better. The last girl who confessed to him, her overpowering perfume made him vomit right there on the street. Just imagine the psychological trauma for that girl."

Lisa asked curiously, "So he rejected her?"

Jaehyun said, "Obviously..."

Just then, the three boys simultaneously turned their heads back in surprise, staring at Lisa, saying in unison: "Holy crap! When did you get here?!"

Lisa blinked innocently and said, "The door was open, so I just..."

Mingyu quickly pulled Lisa over to prevent her from looking at the other two downstairs.

"Little Lisa came to get some milk that her brother sent over, I've already warmed it up for you."

Mingyu took out a package of warm milk from a big red basin and handed it to Lisa.

"Thank you Instructor Mingyu. Let me pay you for the milk."

"No need. Your brother said it was all sent over by him, we're like family, no need to pay."

"Oh, thank you Instructor Mingyu." Lisa turned to leave.

Jaehyun called out to her, "Little Lisa, your brother Jungkook is quite charming to others."

Lisa bit open the milk package and said, "I know."

After she left, Mingyu asked Jaehyun, "What did she mean by that?"

Jaehyun said, "It means the revolution has yet to succeed, comrade Jungkook still needs to keep working hard."


Comrade Jungkook hurried out the door to go to the appliance store outside the school to buy something. He lingered amongst the shelves, carefully comparing brands, and bought the smallest power hair dryer, repeatedly confirming with the store owner that it was a model allowed for use in student dorms.

At 11pm, there was a knock on the door of room 410. After Miyeon opened the door, there was no one outside, just a plastic bag hanging on the door handle.

"Hey, who could it be at this hour, doing good deeds without leaving their name, sending us a hair dryer."

"How timely," said Lisa. "My hair is still wet."

She curiously unpacked the box and took out the hair dryer. Inside was a sticky note, with nothing written on it, just a simple doodle of a sleeping orange cat.

Miyeon asked Lisa, "Who sent this?"

Lisa hesitated, "I...don't know, there's nothing written."

She carefully placed the sticky note between the pages of a book for safekeeping.


For two or three days, Lisa didn't see Jungkook. Only after asking Mingyu did she learn that Jungkook had taken leave to return home, for unknown reasons.

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