The Blue Spirit

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(Here is the next chapter. Hope you like it.)

After having gotten some food from the old couple, we continued our journey. However, we had to take residence in an abandoned temple because Sokka had come down with a bad fever. I felt fine because while the storm was not pleasant, I had built an immunity for, remember how I mentioned that I wrestled a fish? Yeah, well, after that I had experienced quite the fever but it helped build my immune system to not be as cold from then on. I am currently making some soup for Sokka while he rested on one of Appa's legs, wrapped in his sleeping bag while Katara sat close to him on his right and on another of Appa's legs.

I hear coughing and look as Katara places a wet rag on his head. "This should bring the fever down." She says. I go back to checking the soup and see that it is ready. I used a large spoon to pour it into a bowl. "You know what I love most about Appa the most? His sense of humor." Sokka says. "That's nice. I'll tell him." Katara replies. Oh, boy. He's entering the delusional phase. I stand up and walk over to them as Appa growls lowly. Sokka laughs at that. "Classic Appa." Yep. Delusional phase. I then move to climb up Appa and rest on my knees on Sokka's left. "How's Sokka doing?" I look over at Aang as he asked that. "Not so good." Katara answers. "Yeah, having been out in that storm longer than any of us, he's come down with a pretty bad fever. But I have made some soup that should help. Gran Gran made some for me when I had a bad fever when I was younger." I tell him.

I feel Momo hop onto my shoulders and tries to touch the soup, but I move it out of his reach. "No. This is not for you, Momo." I tell him. Then take out a fruit, "But this is." He chitters and snatches the fruit and hops off my shoulders to be on Appa's head as he eats the fruit. I focus back on Sokka as I hold the bowl to his lips. "Being out in that storm really did a number on him." I hear Katara say. Sokka shivers a little but manages to slurp up some of the soup. He sighs but then sneezes and I avoid it. Ew. "I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found a map." I look at Aang as he said that. I give the bowl to Katara then slide off Appa and stand next to Aang as he places the map on the ground. "There's an herbalist institute on the top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there." He says. I look out into the horizon to see the same mountains shown on the map.

"Aang, he's in no condition to travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow." I hear Katara say. But then she starts coughing and I hang my head low. "Great." I mutter as I stand up straight. "Not you, too." I look back at Katara and cross my arms. "Relax. It was just a little cough. I'm fi-" She coughs again. "Yeah, that doesn't sound like a 'little' cough to me." I sass. "That's how Sokka started yesterday. Now look at him. He thinks he's an earthbender." I look at Sokka as Aang said that. "Take that, you rock." Oh, boy. Was I that bad? I scratch my head as I try to remember, but can't. I shrug my shoulders as I give up trying to remember.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense, too. I'm going to find some medicine." Aang says. "Not alone. I'm coming." I state, following him. "But someone needs to stay here to look after Katara and Sokka." He says, looking back at me with those doe-fox eyes. But it doesn't work on me. "Sorry, but may I remind you that you are number one on the Fire Nation's list? I'm coming as extra backup. And besides, Momo and Appa will take care of them. Right, you two?" I look back at Appa and he growls back. Momo chitters and moves his ears. "I'll take they as yes." I say then look back at Aang with a smirk. He sighs, "Okay." He agrees. I grab my knife and fans then walk over to Aang as he opens the fans on his staff.

But then lightning lit up the sky. "Uh, maybe it's safer if we go on foot. Keep an eye on them, guys." Aang says as he sets his staff aside. I look back as Appa and Momo respond back and Sokka laughs again. "You guys are killing me." I roll my eyes. "Okay, get on." I look at Aang as he is bending down a little. Like he wants to carry me on his back. "You sure?" I ask him. "Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look." He says, looking back at me with a smile. I roll my eyes but get on his back. Once I was situated he jumps off and I hold onto to him, but not too much ought because I don't want to suffocate him, as he uses his bending to run really fast. "You weren't kidding!" I yell over the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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