We Ouchea'

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Hey guys! I've started a new story just because I just had some creative energy I needed to let out and it wasn't particularly about the Rangers, as much as I love them. I'm sure you can tell by the picture who this story is about LOL. So urm, let me know if you like the intro so far cause I won't continue if y'all don't like it. I have to do a  Cast Call next chapter but as I said, i won't do it unless y'all like this first chapter. So VOTE, COMMENT, LIKE!

New York Bound.

 We have now reached our destination; please enjoy your stay in New York…

The smell of clogged, polluted city air drifted up Aaliyah’s nostrils as her and her mother dragged their suitcases out JFK airport ready for the 3 week holiday in store. The sun shone brightly on Aaliyah’s smooth, brown legs as she wore her most flattering summer dress that complimented her in all the right places, she had worked for months on the perfect body preparing for this summer and now she had got it, she was ready to flaunt it. Hair tied up in a slick doughnut and Aviator Raybans that hid her hazel eyes. These next three weeks were going to be heaven.

“Liyah, I know you’re lazy ass is not going to leave me to carry all these suitcases by myself” My mama called from behind me.

“Sorry ma, Is Aunty Faith coming to pick us up?” I asked her as I picked up the rest of my 4 suitcases.

“Yeah, she’s already here. She over there” My mama pointed to a really pretty woman with long straight brown hair standing next to a Ranger Rover with a small little girl.

As we both walked over to her, her face dropped and turnt into a huge smile.

“Aaliyah! Look at you, you beautiful thing! Ain’t you grown!?” She grinned

“Nice to see you too, aunty” I returned the smile

“Now I know you ain’t too grown to give yo aunt a hug. Come over here with your big self” She opened her arms wide and I embraced in her. I had missed my aunt, I ain’t since I was 14, it’s been 3 long years.

The little girl beside her pulled on her skirt and hid behind her legs.

“And whose this little beauty?” I asked kneeling down to her level.

She was stunning for a little girl. She was the definition of adorable.

“Tell her your name, Tae” Faith told her

The little girl shook her head wildly and hid further behind her mother.

“Her name is Tayjah (Tay-Jah) “Faith laughed

“Well hello, Tayjah. How are you?”

“Fwine” She giggled

“Can I be your best friend, Tayjah?” I asked in a little childish voice

She shook her head wildly once again.

“Why not?!” I pouted, crossing my arms

“I’ve already got a best friend!” She giggled

“Well, fine then can I be your friend?”

She nodded and I laughed.

I picked her up and walked over to my mum and aunty who were happily chatting away.

“Enough of this chit chat, ladies! New York awaits” I smiled and walked towards the car.

“Cheeky, ain’t she?!” I over-heard my mum say as I climbed into the car.

I strapped Tayjah in beside me and we headed off. Faith lives in a house not that far from the City, The Bronx to be specific but she took the City route just for me. I watched as the shadows from the skyscrapers fell over the car as the sun shone brightly over them. I was so excited to be here, I haven’t left Atlanta in a hot minute but to be here in New York City, The City That Never Sleeps, just made the wait worthwhile.

I was staring at the beautiful skyline when Tayjah starting to make a lot of noise, I looked over at her and saw her wriggling around and dancing.

I looked at aunty confused.

“She loves this song” She laughed turning up the stereo.

I listened to the song that was playing on the radio and chuckled.

“You like Diggy Simmons, yeah Tay?”

“I WUV HIM!” She giggled.

Too adorable.

“Do you like him, Aaliyah?” My mama asked

I scrunched up my face a little.

“Ehhh, he’s alright, I guess. He makes good music though”

“I don’t know about you, Liyah but he cute as hell and if me, a big 35 year old woman, is saying that then that is definitely saying something about the boy” My aunty added.

I nearly fell on the floor laughing so hard.

“He lives in New York right?” My mama asked

“Well, he lives in New Jersey but it’s not too far from here” Aunty replied

“Well, there you go, Liyah. Maybe you’ll see him while you’re over here” My mum smiled in the rear view mirror making me cringe.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I don’t have anything against Diggy Simmons, I just don’t have celebrity crushes…Well of course my baby boo, Breezy but you and I both know that for as long as I live, he will never be mine L

My phone vibrated in my lap and I looked down to see a text from my main girl, Anastasia.

See how you couldn’t text me when your touchdown! X




I picked up my phone and laughed.

I only touched down like 15mins ago! Shut up hoe.



Okay PAUSE. Have you seen any hot boys yet?




Saw one when I was checking out my bags…Baby, you acting like yo ain’t got a man!



Uh, sorry, no one has to know!


I shook my head and chucked my phone back into my bag. I looked over at Tayjah who was tugging on my dress.

“Are you going to be living with me, Wiyah?”

Her pronunciation was so freaking cute, it made me laugh a little.

“Yeah, for a little while”

She clapped her hands and giggled, I laughed with her as she continued to play with me and play silly games. She made this really, long, boring car ride a lot less boring.

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