Bright Lights & The Big City

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PS. I can't upload a slideshow of all the characters for reasons I don't know so I have to do them one at a time :( So the girl in the picture is Tiara.


As I walked out the shop, I glanced over at Tyco with confusion.

“Ty? Was that really necessary?”

“Yes, Dig. We have to get you to the hotel before yo groupies start chasing you” He replied with no remorse

“They’re not groupies, they are my Jetsetters. Get it straight, Ty.”

“Whatever, Daniel. Get in the car before I push you in” I looked at him and raised my eyebrow then he shoved me in. I laughed and sat in the car.

“So what you get us, baby?” Her high pitched tone rung in my ears.

“The usual”

“Dig, I told you not to get the –“

I blocked out her voice. I loved Chantay don’t get me wrong but she has her moments when I just wished she’d shut up, especially right now. That girl from the café was still on my mind. Something about her had me intrigued.

She was pretty. I mean, fo’real. She was overly beautiful and I don’t say that about a lot of girls. She didn’t look anyway interested in me though, she was too busy screwing up her face. I smiled thinking about how angry she looked, she did not look one bit impressed; I don’t think she cared for who I was, not that she should but damn, most girls lose their damn minds when they see me and to see that she didn’t give a single ounce of a fuck was a change. I liked it.

“DANIEL! Are you even listening to me?” Chantay shouted interrupting my thoughts

I glanced over at her with tired eyes.

“What’s wrong, Chan?” I sighed

“The bacon you got ain’t crispy!”

Now Chantay is a whole different kettle of fish, when I first met her she was chill and laidback, she didn’t care about what my last name was but as time went on and my music name started to get bigger so did her head. I love Chantay no doubt about that but she demands to much, I always laced her out in designer gear but she always wanted more. I introduced her to my family and Ma wasn’t so fond of her, she never tells me why; she just says that she don’t like her. It makes me laugh when Chan decides to come round to the house, everyone just sniggers and she has no idea why, it frustrates her so much.

My phone buzzed and I looked down into my hand to see I received a text

Wassup, little nigga? – Twist

I was quick to reply.

I’m cool, bruh. What up with it tho? – Dig

I’m chill, just turning up in the studio - Twist

Ay, we turning up tonight? – Dig

Of course we are, you know how we does this. You ain’t bringing that trick Chantay tho? – Twist

You already know she’s gona try and come whether I want her to or not – Dig

Well it’s about to be a turnt night so get rid of her! – Twist

I laughed and chucked my phone back into my pocket.

“Chan, I’m going out tonight” I told her knowing that she’s going to retort

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