26: HE🔥T - Part 1

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Rain fell in silky sheets outside.

Inside, candles flickered. Their warm glow was amplified by the reflection on the cloud-darkened window.

Rain leaned back against Phayu's solid chest. Arms wrapped around him and pulled him close.

Warm water sloshed all around them.

He sighed. He never thought he would be this happy in this lifetime.

Content? Yes.

Moments of happiness? Yes.

But this sublime feeling of having found the reason he was put on this earth... The certainty that he was loved... And that he loved with every fiber of his being... That was a surprising gift that he had never dared to hope for.

"What are you thinking?" The low rumble whispered before warm, soft lips kissed the tender skin below his ear.

"That I'm happy. Being with you makes me happy."

He couldn't see the smile that lit Phayu's face since he was sitting in front of him, but he knew it was there.

He continued, "Do you remember what I promised you a few months ago, the night that I overdid it slightly with Sky?"

Phayu laughed out loud and teased, "Yes, but I'm surprised you do... If that was 'slightly', I'd like to see you fully drunk."

Rain turned his body sideways so that he could see Phayu's face. "I remember because I made you a promise."

"That day I promised I would give you a family." He brought Phayu's hands down to his flat belly and laid his palm there. He stared unwaveringly into Phayu's eyes and smiled tenderly.

Phayu's eyebrows rose. "But your first heat just ended an hour ago! It's only been five days since  I first knotted you during this heat... how can you be sure??" Phayu asked in surprise.

Rain just smiled softly and moved Phayu's hand over his stomach. "I just do. I am absolutely sure."

Phayu's surprise melted to wonder and his eyes got damp. "Rainnn," he said in a choked voice. He moved Rain so that he was sitting sideways in his lap in the tub.

He lifted Rain's chin and kissed him with every drop of emotion that his words had elicited. He was too overwhelmed to speak, so he showed him instead.

When their lips finally parted, Rain giggled with happy tears streaming down his cheeks and thought back to when his first heat had started a week ago.


🔥 Day -2 🔥

Shit just got real.

Hearing about Omega heat from Sky while laughing and guzzling glasses of crisp, cool Sauv Blanc was far, far better than the harsh reality of it.

Why the hell had Sky made it sound fun???

It hurt.

Like really hurt.

His belly was aching. Cramps were starting.

He could even smell himself. It was never good when you could smell yourself.

His heat hadn't peaked yet, but supposedly his pheromones would get 10x stronger right before the waves start. It was nature's way of attracting a strong Alpha to him.

Apparently, the pheromones were so enticing and powerful that no other Alpha could be around him since they wouldn't be able to resist him.

What. The. Hell?? What did that even mean?

Varain & The WereKing [PhayuRain] [Love In The Air]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora