Prism Break

215 9 9

Y/n: "Talking." "Thinking." 

Minor Action/Descriptions


(Author's Notes)

Major Action/Descriptions

Mysterious Cave

Luz holding a ball of light in one hand and carrying the Owl Staff in the other traversed through a cave. She stops when she sees a large shadow on the wall before her. Whatever cast the shadow bellowed a deep laugh causing Luz to gasp. 

Garlog: "Foolish child. Leave this place before you meet your demise." 

Luz: "Do not underestimate me, Garlog. For I am the good witch, Luz, hunter of monsters." 

Luz drops onto one knee and places Owlbert over her shoulder like a bazooka.

Luz: "Now eat this sucka—what?" 

Lowering the staff with a raised eyebrow in confusion, Garlog turns out to be a tiny creature casting a shadow standing in front of a lantern. Luz picks him up and he lets out a squeak trying to escape.

Luz: "You're Garlog?" 

She pulls out his wanted poster, depicting him as being much larger and worth 4,000 snails, and compares it to the real thing.

Luz: "This is pathetic."

Garlog: "Small I may be, but you will soon know fear when I lay waste to all that you—" 

He is cut off as the jaws of a skull-toating tyrant clasp around him. King dangles in the air as Luz attempts to shake him off. 

Luz: "King, drop it now. Drop it now!"

King mumbles and runs off as Luz gives chase. 

Luz: "Drop it! No! I'm not gonna play right now! King!" 

The Owl House

In Luz's room, Garlog is stuffed inside a green bottle where he struggles for freedom. Luz rests her phone against the glass and begins to record a video.

Son of a Witch! (The Owl House x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now