78. First Day

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Leah's POV.

The morning is heavy with the reality of what's ahead. I wake up to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains, the bed beside me is empty. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the day. Today, Sophia goes to rehab.

I get dressed and head downstairs, finding Sophia in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands. She looks up at me, her eyes tired but determined.

"Morning," she says softly.

"Morning," I reply, forcing a small smile. "Are you ready?"

She nods, taking a sip of her coffee. "As ready as I'll ever be."

We share a quiet breakfast, the silence filled with unspoken words and emotions. When it's time to go, I grab her bags, and we head out to the car. The drive to the rehab facility is somber, both of us lost in our thoughts.

As we pull up to the entrance, I turn to her. "You're doing the right thing, Sophia. I'm proud of you."

She reaches over and squeezes my hand. "Thank you, Leah. I'll get through this, I promise."

We share one last hug before she gets out of the car. I watch as she walks into the facility, a mix of hope and fear swirling in my chest. Once she's inside, I take a deep breath and drive away, heading to Arsenal's training ground.

When I arrive, the atmosphere is tense. My teammates are clearly trying to give me space, treading on eggshells around me because of what's been said in the press. The scandal has cast a shadow over everything, and I can feel their eyes on me, filled with concern and curiosity.

Jonas approaches me as I'm lacing up my boots. "Leah, take it easy today, okay? We're here for you if you need anything."

I nod, grateful for his understanding. "Thanks, Jonas. I'll be fine."

Training begins, and I try to focus on the drills, but my mind keeps drifting back to Sophia. The press has been relentless, and I know everyone is aware of what's been happening. The whispers and glances are impossible to ignore.

Beth comes up beside me during a water break, her expression sympathetic. "Hey, how are you holding up?"

I shrug, taking a sip of water. "It's tough, but I'm managing. Just trying to take it one day at a time."

She nods, placing a hand on my shoulder. "We're all here for you, Leah. Don't forget that."

I give her a small smile. "Thanks, Beth. I appreciate it."

The rest of the training session is a blur. My body goes through the motions, but my mind is elsewhere. I can't help but worry about Sophia, wondering how she's doing, if she's okay. The uncertainty is maddening, but I know this is a necessary step for both of us.

After training, I head to the changing room, feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally. As I sit on the bench, my phone buzzes with a message. I pull it out, seeing it's from my mum.

Thinking of you, Leah. Stay strong. Love you.

I reply quickly, grateful for her support.

Thanks, Mum. Love you too.

I put my phone away and take a deep breath. This is just the beginning of a long journey, but I know I'm not alone. My team, my family, and even Sophia are with me in spirit, and that gives me the strength to keep moving forward.

I head home, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. I try to distract myself with chores and mundane tasks, but my thoughts keep drifting back to Sophia and everything that's happened.

The Voice In The Crowd | A Leah Williamson FicWhere stories live. Discover now