87. On Top

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Sophia's POV.

The drive to the stadium was filled with a mix of nerves and excitement. As I pulled into the car park, I could already hear the faint roar of the crowd inside. I parked and took a deep breath, steeling myself for the attention I knew I would attract. I had to focus on Leah. This was about supporting her.

After making my way through the entrance, I found my seat near the front, close to the pitch. The stadium was alive with energy, and I could feel the tension and excitement radiating from the fans. I scanned the field, spotting Leah as she warmed up with the team. She looked so focused, so determined, so gorgeous, so mine. Seeing her like that filled me with pride.

Half an hour later and the whistle blew to signal the start of the game. Every move Leah made on the pitch was precise and deliberate. I cheered loudly, my voice hoarse from shouting encouragements. England were playing brilliantly, the team working seamlessly together, it was bittersweet as I had hoped there would be a Sophia shaped hole in the team. Leah's leadership on the field was clear, guiding her teammates with a mix of commands and supportive gestures.

As the first half progressed, I couldn't help but be swept up in the thrill of the game. Leah was a powerhouse, intercepting passes, making crucial tackles, and orchestrating plays that left the crowd in awe. It was a close match, but England managed to take the lead just before halftime with a stunning goal from Chloe Kelly. The stadium erupted in cheers, and I found myself grinning from ear to ear.

During halftime, I took a moment to soak in the atmosphere. The energy among the fans was immense, and for a brief moment, I felt like everything was falling back into place. I couldn't wait to talk to Leah after the game, to tell her how incredible she was, how proud I was of her and how happy I was that she was mine.

The second half was more intense. Sweden fought back hard, but England held their ground. Leah's presence was unwavering, her focus never faltering. As the clock ticked down, the tension mounted, and I could barely sit still.

Then, with just minutes left, England sealed the victory with another goal - Beth Mead, of course. The final whistle blew, and the stadium exploded with applause. I stood up, clapping and cheering as loudly as I could. Leah and her teammates celebrated on the pitch, their hard work paying off. They were now joint top of their group with 1 game to go.

As the players began to leave the field, I made my way towards the tunnel to wait for Leah. I knew I couldn't go in with her, but I just wanted to briefly say hello. The press were everywhere, cameras flashing, but I managed to find a spot where I could see her. When our eyes met, she smiled and waved, and I felt a wave of warmth and relief.

Leah walked over to me, and we hugged tightly, ignoring the cameras and the reporters. "You were amazing," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. "I'm so proud of you, baby"

"Thank you for being here," she replied, holding me close. "It means everything to me."

Just as Leah was about to head inside, something caught my eye. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw a woman in the crowd with a special access pass lanyard around her neck. My heart skipped a beat as I realised who it was. Jess.

She was standing not too far from where we were, watching us with an almost smug expression. Panic surged through me. How did she get here? And why did she have that pass? It meant she was known to the team in some capacity, which made my stomach churn. She had the same access to things as I did.

"Leah, wait," I said, grabbing her arm. "I need to show you something."

Leah looked at me, confused, but followed my gaze. By the time she looked, Jess had disappeared into the crowd. "What is it?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

The Voice In The Crowd | A Leah Williamson FicWhere stories live. Discover now