Coming Clean

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Dre's prov
So I'm sitting in this damn hospital bed.thinking bout what happened,I see my baby girl crying and she looks so tired I feel so bad. Because I'm the reason she almost got hurt or killed the other night . and I need to come clean bout a lot of stuff to her.she has been there for me since day 1 and she don't deserve none of what she is going threw right now. Especially because she is pregnant with my baby,she don't need to be stressing about anything at all.
so I call lexi over to my bed,and she looks at me with her big puffy red eyes. And she says "hey bae u OK" um no not really baby I got somethings to get off my chest.and ur probably going to be mad at me or disappointed at me. She looks at me confused and says "baby whats on ur mind" promise u will listen to everything I have to say "I promise Dre"
OK look lexi u know I sell drugs.but u don't know that I was involved in something very dangerous.a couple of months ago,it had to do with my lil brother jorden. the guy I was working for murdered my lil brother in cold blood.nobody told me I found out myself,when I over heard him telling his peoples.that no one is to know what happened to jorden. So I went home that night and sat in the dark for hours.replying what I heard,so I came up with a plan to get revenge on everybody who knew about my brothers murder.the next day he called me into his talk to me bout a special drop that was happening that I told him I was going to go,walked out of his office and hide behind the cornor. I heard him tell his boys "y'all go to that drop tonight with him,kill him and bring me my money back he knows to much" later that night we go to the drop and I came out with the money.his two boys Ryan&Richard came towards me I shot them both in the head.and I shot the driver to I got in the car and took off and went straight to the trap house.I found him alone in his office he looked shocked to see me
There conversation
B- what are u doing here
D- what u mean sir
B- I just didn't expect u to come back here that's all son
D- o really that's funny,because I overheard u tell ur boys to kill me
B-(sighs) look u know to much and I just can't have u snitching or telling the cops I don't want it to go down like this but it has to I'm sorry
D- why did u murder jorden huh he was only 13
B-he saw when I had killed one of the workers I didn't need him running around snitching or saying shit ok
D- so u killed him that was my lil brother, but ur ass is go on a pay for it ( pulls out gun and points it to him)
B- aye Dre can we talk bout this for a minute man I'm sure their is a way we can work things out
D- naw it ain't pow,pow,pow,pow
End of conversation
I take over 10,000k and hope I'm my car and leave.
OMG baby I'm so sorry for ur brother.but what does that have to do with the shit that's going on now. Dre (sighs) my boss that I killed he had a son that was going to take over the place,he found out what I did to his father. and now he wants revenge so he is hunting me down and if he can't find me he will hurt my loved ones. So Dre let me get this straight u found out that ur brother was murdered by ur own boss.u came up with a plan to get revenge on him,he was planning on killing u but u killed his boys.then u killed him stole 10,000k from him,and his son found out u killed his dad so now he is trying to kill u. Yea (slaps him) wtf was that for lexi because why did it take u this fucking long to tell me Dre huh. I wasn't sure on how u would take it or what u would think. Look Dre I love u and ima be right by ur side no matter what OK ight bae,u need to go home and get some rest and go eat. U sure yes I'm sure just be careful and make sure up lock up everything OK I will

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