Chapter 13

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|meredith's pov|
I have surgery today to remove a brain tumor no one saw until the repeat head CT. Derek hasn't left my room since they found it. Amelia is doing the surgery today and I'm a little nervous. Derek wants to watch my surgery but Amelia told he needs to wait in waiting area like everybody else. One of the residents came in to prep me for surgery. After about an hour Amelia came to pre-op to take me up to the OR. Derek came running up to me and told me not to worry. I assured him everything would be just fine. We got to the doors and Derek was sent to the waiting area. Amelia went to the scrub room and they had me shift from the gurney to the OR table and she walked in. They told me to count back from 10 and they put me under.

|nobody's pov|
Amelia began the surgery. She made the first cut. She began to cut out the tumor. Meanwhile, Derek was sitting in the waiting area and could not stop worrying. Derek kept thinking the surgery is simple Mer will be fine. Amelia was just a nervous because if she screwed this up Derek would never forgive her. After Amelia got the tumor out she was relieved and closed up. She went to the waiting room to tell Derek everything went successful and he could visit Meredith in the ICU.

|derek's pov|
I rushed up to the ICU. I asked a nurse which room she was in. I walked in and saw Mer, she was intubated and now we were just waiting for her to wake up. It feels so much different to see some hooked up to machines and tubes when they are someone you love. I sat there for quite a few hours and then I fell asleep. Suddenly, I was woken up by some noise. I quickly noticed that it was meredith and called in a nurse to remove the tube.
"Mer" I said.
"Hey" she responded.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm glad."
I gave Mer some time to rest and went to get a snack. When I came back she was still sleeping but Amelia had just walked and in and was about to begin some neuro checks. She lightly tapped Meredith to wake her up.
"Meredith", Amelia said, " can you follow the light with your eyes?" Meredith did as Amelia said and then Amelia left. I stood up and leaned in to kiss Meredith.

|the next day|
|mer's pov|
They took me out of the icu and put in a normal patient room. Derek is working and comes to visit me every once and a while. I've been doing some of my charts so I can keep up with my work. I still have a lot of recovering to do before I can get back to work. Every has been saying baby steps by I want to take big steps so I can get back to surgery. I've been doing pretty well I'm up and walking but they still want to make sure I heal properly. Amelia still does daily neuro checks. I'm doing well.

Hey guys for those of you who have stuck with my story thanks I'm sorry for not updating, it's my freshman year and I have dance team stuff all of the time. I will try to start updating more frequently again.
xoxo ~ Madeline.

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