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~•~Word count: 1049~•~

You gasped awake, sitting upright in bed, awoken by consistent and relentless banging on your front door. Glancing at your alarm clock you saw the time, 3:42am.
Reluctantly slinking out of bed you pattered down the stairs and into the hallway, where you could see the outline of a tall man through the frosted glass of your front door.
"Who is it?" You shakily called.
"My name's Luke? Let me in." His voice sounded more desperate than bossy, despite the demand.
You felt compelled to help and opened the door a crack, poking your head around it. You were met with the sight of a disheveled blonde boy, his hair hanging limply to one side and covered in dirt. His all-black outfit was ripped, exposing wounds on his stomach and thighs.
All your instincts screamed to call the police, or at the very least close the door, but you found yourself inviting him in. He was holding a bloody tissue to his neck, but he sloppily discarded it on the floor once he saw you had a first aid kit.
"What happened?" You dared to ask.
He stopped rummaging through the green box and looked up at you, shivering in your thin pajamas.
"You wouldn't believe me." He grinned, displaying a set of pearly white teeth.
"Try me." You defensively said, he was in your house after all, you deserved to know.
He held up a roll of bandages and stitching string triumphantly, and sat on the marble counter of your kitchen before answering you, "Cast out of Heaven, you see," He shrugged, and began to sew up a gash in his leg, much to your disgust, "I was too naughty." He winked at you before turning his attention back to his stitching.
"Heaven?" You muttered, "What are you then? An angel?" You asked skeptically.
"I was an angel." He hopped off the counter, having impressively cleaned himself up, now he was sauntering towards you, "Now I'm a Dark Angel, or Fallen, if you like." His eyes were glinting deviously, you could almost tell from one look why he got kicked out of heaven.
He flicked your forehead unprovoked, "Hey!" You reacted.
"I can hear thoughts, dickhead." He quirked his eyebrow at you, but the rest of his features remained emotionless, his eyes boring into yours.
Shit. Now he was reading you.
"Clever girl." He cockily said, responding to your thoughts verbally.
"So why did you get 'cast from Heaven'?" You felt uneasy at the silence, he was putting all his effort into searching through your head.
"Told you, I was bad." His eyes momentarily widened at the last word, he licked his bottom lip - which you now noticed was adorned with a black lip ring - whilst he glimpsed at your own pink lips.
Your heart started beating faster as his gaze fell down your body, examining you. You did the same to him, drinking in his rugged but gorgeous appearance.
His tall figure stood quite a few inches above yours. You suspected his slightly floppy hair was once neatly quaffed. His icy blue eyes were still scanning your body hungrily and his jawline convinced you that he was actually an angel, there is no doubt that this boy wasn't created in Heaven.
"So what do Dark Angels do for fun?" Your nervous mouth babbled.
"Want me to show you?" He said, his hand reaching up to cradle the side of your neck.
You nodded twice, not needing persuasion as his cheeky grin returned. He leant down and pressed his lips to yours, starting out gently but his pressure became rougher, you could tell he had built up tension and was taking it out on you, not that you minded.
He backed you up into the wall, you moaned as he lifted your top over your head, panting as your lips parted and joined sloppily, both of you caught in the moment. His hands traveled to your bare breasts, kneading them and moving his lips to suck hard on your nipple, winking at you as he moved down your body, now on his knees, his head level with your waist.
He toyed with the waistband of your pajamas before tugging them down roughly and impatiently, revealing yourself to him. He groaned, captivated at the sight of your naked body. He glanced up at you, vaguely asking permission before dragging his tongue over your folds. Your legs almost gave out at the sensation, but his strong arms held you upright. He licked again, paying attention to your clit and bringing it between his teeth, pulling back gently before wiggling his tongue at your entrance. Moans were slipping from your mouth involuntarily as his skilled one worked your core, almost bringing you to climax before moving away from your legs entirely.
The loss of contact made you whine, Luke just smirked at you before lifting you onto the couch, your back on the soft cushions, his face inches away from yours. His jeans had disappeared and he dipped his head to your collarbone, sucking gently as he pushed into you, his lips on your flesh distracted you slightly from the rough pace of his thrusts.
You began to move your hips down to meet his, intensifying the pleasure between you two, your clit rubbing occasionally on Luke's lower torso.
"Fucking pricks throwing me out," He howled, his anger getting the better of him, his grip of your shoulder tightening significantly, his speed picked up as he released his tension on you,
"I can say His name in vain now." He mocked, but turned his attention back on you, "Come on babe," He reached below his torso and began rubbing circles on your clit, you instantly became a moaning mess under him, writhing in pleasure, he smirked at your helplessness, "That's right, cum for me babe." He slammed into your g-spot, your back arching as you screamed in ecstasy, the most powerful orgasm you'd ever had washing over you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Luke threw his head back as he hit his high as well, slowing down his pace and eventually pulling out of you.
"Oh my god." You panted, almost speechless.
"Only a Dark Angel can make you feel that good babe, you better believe that."

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