Just a Kiss?

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"Abigail Grace Harper, get inside RIGHT NOW young lady! We're leaving in an hour, and you need to finish packing," my mother Stella called to me. Being a sixteen year old girl, typically you ignore your mother when she calls for you to go inside, but soon we were headed to our beach house in Panama City, Florida. Quickly running up to our porch in my old sneakers, I slung open the creaking screen door and walked into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, mom." I said smiling. My mother and I have always been close; ever since my father died last year in a car wreck. She was hard away working on the stove; fixing us some cookies and milk for an afternoon snack. Mother smiled back at me, flashing her dark blue eyes.

"Afternoon, Abby. Can you run upstairs to your room and bring your bags down stairs? I want to be ready to leave soon." Mom asked me. She looked a little silly wearing her bright pink apron that read "Hot Brunette" over her dark blue jeans and neon yellow shirt. The sun was shining through the window and was hitting her dark brown hair in a beautiful way; it also showed off a few wrinkles showing she was aging.

I began walking into our living room, trying to take as much scenery in as I could. Once we left for Florida, we wouldn't be back until the end of August; Florida was our extended vacation. The living room was very tidy; everything was in its place. As I walked up the stairs to my room, I looked at the pictures that hung on the wall. There were a large assortment; varying from my 1st birthday to my 15th; the last picture my dad and I shared.

My room was a total mess. Clothes were sprawled all over my blue carpet,  and all my summer clothes were packed tight in six bags. After walking over to my full length mirror, I decided I needed to shower. My blond hair was thrown up in a messy bun on top of my head. My black tank top and blue gym short were also soaked in sweat. Even though I looked messy, my petite, tan figure still made me look good. I started removing my eye make up to prepare for my shower, when I caught myself again. My eyes, an emerald green, were the only thing my father had gave me. Looking at my eyes made me remember him, and often made me tear up. After quickly removing my make up, I jumped in the shower.

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"Abby! We have GOT to leave now!" My mother yelled; obviously upset that I had took such a long shower and forgot to bring my bags downstairs. Quickly, I grabbed a few bags and rushed down stairs; almost knocking down a few pictures on the wall.

"How many times this week did I remind you that we HAVE to be on time?!  Your brother's going to be at the house before we even leave!" Mom yelled at me from across the room. Her eyes were filled with rage, so that mend I better hurry up. After putting the rest of my bags in our Jeep, we were on the road headed to meet my brother.

William, or as I always called him "Willie", graduated highschool two years ago. He was your typical high school football player; straight "A's", good looking, and  the Quarterback. Since graduation, he's been studying to be doctor at a college in Alabama. Even though he's grown, he still goes with us on vacation; so we meet him at the beach house. And as I suspected, Willie hasn't left his small apartmeant either, so we're right on schedule. But until we get to Florida, I'm napping.

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