Beach again

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"Am I interrupting something..." Willie hesitated, surprising me that he didn't jump on Joel.

"I'm sorry!" Joel stammered, jumping backward away from me and fell into the seat.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Willie said, running to my bedside. He made me sit straight up, and squeezed me as tight as he could. After choking out a "stop", he released me and went and told mom. She flipped out, and ran into my room kissing me like crazy. Within a few hours, I was set free from that dumb hospital, and they let Joel leave with me.

"Are you mad  at me?" Joel asked, starting up his vehicle. I looked him into his deep, breathe taking eyes and replied with a "no".

"Good. I'm still so sorry." He said, handing me my cell phone and starting to pull away. He was just so handsome. I can't get over it.

"Where to?" He asked, as he shyly grabbed my hand. He blushed, which made him even cuter.

"Beach?" I asked, leaning back in my seat, laughing. We sang along to the radio, and he kissed me on the cheek a couple of times.

"Alright!" He said. We pulled in, and spent the rest of the after noon playing in the sand, and hunting crabs. When my cut started to hurt, Joel even picked me up and tried to make it feel better. He was so sweet.

"Ready to go?" He asked, slipping his arm around my waist as the sun finished setting. It was like one of those romance movies.

"Yes." I said, kissing him quickly. We left the beach, hand in hand, without a thought on my mind but how beautiful the beach was, the sunset was, and he was.


"Jake! Amber!" I yelled, laying on my queen size bed.

"What?" They asked, sitting on the other side of my bed. Jake's broken arm looked ugly in that green cast, and Amber wouldn't stop gawking at my swollen nose.

"I heard that slut left the hospital today. We need to retaliate, and attack again!" I declared.

"You're insane." Amber said, rolling her eyes at me.

"There's no way I'm doing anything with this broken arm." Jake said.

"We will wait for a few days.. Lay low. I hurt her bad enough." I said, smiling when I remembered the gash on her hip/waist. That scar won't fade. She'll always remember what she caused.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea, Sam." Amber said, looking at me with wide eyes.

"We can't stop now! I've got the looks Joel wants, and once that little brat is out of the picture, I can be with him again!" I said, remembering the way Joel's eyes were on me when I walked in the pizza place. He wanted me.

"Jake..." I said, pulling on his shirt collar. I gave him a very sloppy kiss, and whispered in his ear "please."

"No.." He said, still hesitant.

I pulled him in again, and gave him several kisses. I will get what I want.

"Please." I said, running a hand down his neck.

"Fine!" He said, jumping backwards.

"Go home." I told Amber, who was obviously not cool enough for me anymore.

"But..." She said.

"No. You're a loser. If you won't fall through with this, then you aren't worth my friendship."

"Fine!" She said, giving in. I knew she was weak.

"Okay. I'll call you in a few hours. I have business to take care of." I said, winking at Jake and smiling at Amber. I knew she would eventually leave.

"Now.. You ready?" I asked Jake, kissing him tenderly.

"Yes." He said, kissing me. I smiled, but not at his kiss. Soon enough, this would be Joel. And until then, Jake was the next best thing.

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