Night Under the Stars

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My heart stopped. What was Joel doing out here? Ugh, why did this stuff always have to happen to me?

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I didn't know if you noticed the "Restricted" sign they had on the beach. I would hate for a pretty girl like you to get  in trouble." He said, shyly smiling and turning his head toward the sign.

"Thanks for your consern, but I've been to this beach all my life. I watched a group of teenage "punks"(as my dad liked to call them) put the sign up so no one would cross their side of the beach." I said boldly, proud that I knew a little more then he did.

"Oh.. Well, I noticed you walking on the beach over here, so I thought it would be a good idea to warn you.. I was hoping to see you again." He said, looking out to the ocean; blushing a small bit.

"That reminds me. I'm sorry for leaving earlier, I was in a hurry to get home and I didn't realize what time it was until I heard my mom yelling for me. I didn't mean to rush off."

"Its fine, I totally understand.." Joel began, but I heard my brother yell my name as loud as he could.

"Ugh. I'm SO sorry, but I've got to run. Nice seeing you again, Joel." I said. Wait.. He hadn't told me his name since he came back over there.. Is that creepy to remember it?

"See you soon I hope." He said, smiling and waving as I ran toward the beach house.

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"WHAT!" I yelled at my brother as I walked in the house.

"Come here!" He said as I walked into the living room to see Jenna all over him on the couch.


"I saw you were talking to a boy at the beach. You don't need to talk to him again, understand? I'm not trying to be mean or nothing, but Jenna said he was flirting with her and a few other girls on the beach and he was bad news. So stay away from him," He said. But as he said the past about Jenna, she grinned; proud she had found yet another way to make me have a bad time.

"No. You're not dad!" I yelled, running up stairs to my room and slamming the door. I tackled my  bed face first into the pillows and screamed. I really missed my dad. He would think Jenna was a hoe, and wouldn't let her come on vacation. He would like Joel and think he was a great guy for me. He would let me roam the beach without being called home every ten minutes. Gosh, how I miss him.

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"Time for supper!" Mom shouted from downstairs. I could smell the aroma of pizza in the air, and ran down stairs to get mine and get back to my room before Jenna could get there and confront me again.

When I got thered, everyone was seated around the table.

"Have a seat," Mom said warmly. Jenna was giving me an angry look, but I didn't care.

I sat down quickly and ate my pizza before anyone had time to say anything to me. After grabbing my beach bag and shutting the front door, I was determined to lay under the stars. My watch read approximately 9 o'clock, so it was just about time.

I hurried over to my beach spot, and layed out my beach towel, pillow, blanket, blow up mattress, and Ipod. Just as I was setting everything up, the stars began to twinkle. The first night and last night at the beach, my dad and I would pack a beach bag and bring all of the things we needed so we could sleep under the stars. It was a tradition, so I wasn't planning on breaking it.

The stars were shining very bright, and I picked out the big and little dipper instantly. The sky was very dark, and made it very appealing. When I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I dreamed of Joel and I walking the beach together hand in hand. But I didn't know that my dream would soon become reality.

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Hey fans (: What do you think so far? Do you like Joel? Whats your thought about Jenna? Haha, vote comment like? I need some INSPIRATION :(

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