Chapter Nine - The Peverell Boy

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"Bon Appetite," said Madame Maxine.

Surreal. Everything was that. Flying saucing pans, pots and plates. Lavish food. Singing nymphs. A hundred times she pinched herself but the magic was there. So real. Indescribable. Beyond what anyone can imagine. There had been a mini program prepared by house elves of the palace. They grooved to the tune of one house elf playing saxophone. When one stopped dancing, it was kicked by its master. No student or teacher or staff seemed affected. The students didn't mind cruelty on stage. Autumn was disturbed. She forgot all giddiness.

Instead, Autumn focused on watching the saxophonist. She misses music. The one thing she ever treasure in life. What of her dreams now? Can she pursue a career in music even as a witch? She ate her heart out with the line of mouth watering food. She picked her favourites: Roasted garlic chicken, mashed potatoes, pasta alfredo, fried turkey, deviled eggs, and yummy gummy fruit tarts. Tasting it was utterly beyond words.

Melissa Gundersnout, licking grease from her fingers sat beside her. Autumn entertained her presence. They had a tête-à-tête conversation about their lives. Autumn put all the questions on deck. She asked the usual: "Where are you from? Why did you study here? Are you muggle born or witch? What are your hobbies?" Melissa answered candidly. Autumn listened intently. She learned that Melissa's hometown was Ontario, Canada. Melissa studied at Beauxbatons because her grandparents were there, and she neither knew differences between muggle born and witch family but a witch family took her as their own. And of course, she likes playing doll house with Marielle, her elder sister.

"What about you? Who are you? What are you doing here?" asked Melissa decisively. Autumn twitched not knowing where to begin. She had zero knowledge what to answer. If Melissa was few years older than her she might give out truest answers. There were only two. First, she was the Dark Lord's daughter, great granddaughter of Nicholas and Perenell Flamel. Second, she enrolled at Beauxbatons for aid in suppressing her powers.

Melissa, waiting for answers, munched. She shrugged off these thoughts. "I'm Autumn Lewis," began Autumn. "I am here to learn the ropes of magic itself." Unnoticeably, another young Papillonlisse joined the conversation. "That was deep. Hello, I'm Jonathan Coronel. I'm from Australia." Jonathan extended his oily hands. Autumn and Melissa agreed not to take it.

"We rather not shake that hand," said Melissa awkwardly.

"No offense meant," said Autumn. "But thanks for the effort. I'm glad to be friends with you."

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a mixed accent?" asked Jonathan, off topic.

"Pardon?" said Autumn.

"Your accent, it's both English and American," observed Jonathan.

"Oh that," said Autumn. "I live in America that's why. Maybe I just became used to British accent. I'm home schooled so I just talk to my great grandfather who's a British citizen."

"Cool," said Jonathan, ecstatic.

Looking away, she met Justin's gaze and smiled. Justin, quiet, continued eating. It was his fifth year at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. He had certainly not laid eyes on quite a lot of ladies apart from Autumn. For him, she was exceptional. His heart thudded softly in his chest. Brianne Brawley elbowed him. Not budging, he was captivated at the moment.

"Hey Jez," said Brianne.

"Jez," nudged Benedict Van Joch, his best friend. "Hey look at him."

"Earth to Prefect Jez," said Fernanddo Dunham, tickling him.

"Hey!" said Justin irritated.

"What's with you?" asked Fernanddo.

"I caught him looking at that gal," teased Benedict. "Jez crushing on someone already."

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