Chapter Two - Chain of Love Letters

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So much pain was inflicted upon hearing the news. Kinsey Garrick Bray was attacked by a dementor during a duel with a Death Eater. How he died was a mystery. This mystery was shrouded by tattle tales. Some source says Kinsey Garrick became a barrier to protect another member of the Order of the Phoenix from a cruciatus curse. A different source tells that the wizard responsible for his death have spoken a spell for him to jump off a cliff. Aurice knew that these versions as to what happened were all lies.

Her last interaction with her eldest brother was when he discovered her impregnation. Kinsey was the one who advised the family that no news of the existence of her daughter shall be publicized. For almost an hour of staring in space, she had pictured Kinsey's disappointed face. That scene was too much to bear. Though she had a faint memory of it, that confrontation haunted her day and night.

To her right was her father, Dawrius Bray, hiding the tears from the second saddest tribulation in his life. To her left was her grandfather, Teeban, wearing his best suit for the funeral. He had been grieving since the day the Order laid down the corpse of his grandson in their table. Albus Dumbledore said his condolences to the family.

"He has fought a great fight for goodness," said Dumbledore."So are Lily and James Potter."

He looked at Aurice, half-peeping through his half-moon spectacles. Aurice didn't acknowledge his gaze. Instead, she excused herself to the balcony. She isolated herself from the rest of the crowd. That night, all she desires is fresh air. She endured impertinent glares as she walked bumping strangers. She can't read their minds but their eyes were self-evident that they believe that she participated killing her own brother.

"Madame Bray," called out Dorothy Coty, a squib and has been serving the Bray family for more than two decades already. Dorothy witnessed the family's shortcomings althroughout their family history.

"The infant Madame," said Dorothy.

They have addressed Aurice's daughter as "the infant" so that no one would be suspicious. In Aurice's point of view, this discriminatory title referring to her daughter has been quite effective for the people, too foolish not to notice that the title denotes directly to her child. She had accepted earlier on that her daughter named Autumn Jade Riddle will never be part of their family.

"Is she awake?" asked Aurice.

"Yes Madame," said Dorothy.

She went upstairs in their new home at New Jersey. It was a huge three-storey built with stones similar to their ancestral house in the wizarding world. Ordinary American houses are in their neighborhood. The Bray clan have migrated there since the beginning of war. They have to hide her daughter.

They have to pretend as muggles. It is the Ministry's command to keep the infant safe. At first, Teeban detested the idea. He has to debate with then Minister for Magic Millicent Bagnold.

"This is not what is supposed to be," protested Teeban.

"I'm sorry Teeban, this is how it should be," said Millicent. "If your grand daughter haven't had an affair with You-Know-Who..."

"Are you blaming my great granddaughter for all of this? Millicent, it was young love. She was blinded by who that man is," defended Teeban.

"How about the infant she gave birth to? Don't tell me that too was the outcome of young love," puffed Millicent.

Teeban was silent for a while but decide to speak up. He picked his words very carefully.

"The infant is my grand daughter and I for one believe that she is no monster," said Teeban.

"You and I know Teeban that this is best for the infant and your family. If You-Know-Who will find his daughter, he will use her to achieve his further plans of violence," said Millicent patting him at the back.

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