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Dear reader,

As you may know, I'm in the process of writing the second book of Cold World. This second book which I'm referring to will also be the last book. For now, I'm going to focus on this one. "The Last Horcrux" is a story that I wrote in a big notebook when I was fourteen years old. It wasn't entitled as The Last Horcrux then. Sadly, I can't find that notebook, which I spent writing most of my sleepless nights back then. On the bright side, as I've said, I'm at it again. Here, reliving the world that filled our childhood with magical memories.

Furthermore, this book was inspired by the one and only J.K. Rowling, who woke me up to my passion of being a wordsmith. Though I may say that I still commit errors in spite of this passion and dream. However, this doesn't stop me from writing. It is but natural for humans to continue no matter what happens.

Anyway, I will leave this story to your judgement. Unlike the Cold World that was posted as a whole, this story will be posted same like other writers who post their stories by chapters. Hope to hear your reactions whether it be violent or sugarcoated, so feel free to comment. I take comments as is. Well, whoever you are, you are appreciated in advance.

Honestly, I'm nervous how the story will go. This note is long enough to say everything that I want to say. Have I told you that this is far more different from the Harry Potter series? Yes, it will. Harry Potter will not be here. He will only exist in a dream or something. Also with the existence of elves and dwarves, and all things magical.

Thank you in advance to those who will support this story unto the very last page.


Eighteen Washington

P.S. This story is not and will never be a substitute for Harry Potter. I have due respect for Jo. I don't have any intentions to gain profit writing this story. Some of the characters are borrowed from the HP series/partly from world of Lord Of The Rings. Thank you.

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