Chapter Six

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Kaylee and I walked to school together the next morning and went straight to the library, "I had a friend name Jessica" she said and i looked at her "She passed away last year" she said causing me to almost drop my books "She was bullied by the girls in class, and she wanted me to pretend like i didn't know her, so I never helped her, she died in class around 7pm of a broken heart, If i would have just asked her if she was okay she could have still been alive" she sighed, "Unnie, it's not your fault, who ever bullied her was to blame, you just did what she wanted you to do you can't blame yourself" I said hugged her and she nodded her head understanding "Now come on lets get to class" I smiled and we both walked off. We sat in our seats and as usual Mrs.V was late, "So Louann, is your life better now that you ran away from your old school?" Jenny laughed and I just put my head down ignoring her "Ya! Leave her alone!" Sara said standing out of her chair "So Kaylee hows Jessica doing" Kaylee's head snapped up and her eyes went wide "Why don't you shut up!" I yelled getting out of my seat and everyone looked at me "oh look who's trying to be tough" she laughed "Just shut up, and stop trying to cause trouble!" I yelled and she started to laugh "Jessica is dead right? She died in this class room? Because people bullied her, Kaylee was her friend and just ignored her the entire time" She said and for once Kaylee was too down to do anything "Just shut up!" I yelled and Jenny got in my face "Make me" she hissed "YA! Jenny your making yourself more hated by everyone so shut up and mind your own business." Vernon said lifting his head up "It's hard to sleep in a class when you keep opening your mouth" he yawned.

 "So he can talk, are you going to hurt Louann again?" she asked "Jenny!" I yelled but she didn't take her eyes off Vernon "Ya! This is between you and I do not bring my sister or Vernon into this!" i said shoving her and she looked at me "Look at...

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"So he can talk, are you going to hurt Louann again?" she asked "Jenny!" I yelled but she didn't take her eyes off Vernon "Ya! This is between you and I do not bring my sister or Vernon into this!" i said shoving her and she looked at me "Look at this" she laughed "Jenny just sit down and shut up!" Jun yelled getting everyone's attention "Where is Mrs.V" one of the girls sighed "So are you going to just stand there? Have you forgotten how to sit?" Jun asked, Jenny rolled her eyes and sat down and Jun smiled at me before he sat back down. "Unnie are you okay?" I asked and Kaylee walked over to Jenny."What?" she asked, Kaylee, clenched her fist and Jenny started to laugh "do it" she smiled and to my surprise Kaylee whacked her up side the head hard enough to almost cause her to hit her head off the desk, "I suggest you learn to shut your mouth, I warned you once already" Kaylee hissed and the class started whispering, and she walked out of class with Sara and Sunny behind her "This really wont be better for you here, you have no one" I said sitting down at my desk and waited for the teacher. the bell rang for lunch but I didn't move from my desk "Yo Louann you coming?" Hoshi asked and I shook my head, I laid my head down on my desk, and started having flash backs of my time in my old school, and all the times i was picked on, and thrown around "Louann" I looked up and saw Jun "you coming to eat?" He asked and I nodded my head, We sat at the table with Hoshi, Kaylee, Sara, Sunny and Jun.

"That Jenny girl is something else" Sara sighed and we all agreed I looked over as Vernon sat beside me

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"That Jenny girl is something else" Sara sighed and we all agreed I looked over as Vernon sat beside me. "She's sitting at my table so I'm sitting here" Vernon said and Kaylee rolled her eyes "Everyone sits alone Vernon, everyone one hates her and no one here likes u so go make a friend hmm?" Sara said and I put my head down a little afraid to say anything, "Jun you must be close to Kaylee hmm since you've known each other since you were 8?" Jenny asked from the next table over "What is it to you?" Sara asked and Jenny sighed "I mean You've known Jun since you were 8 and Louann's been her for what a week? Yet it seems like hes closer to her than he is to you" She laughed and walked off and so did Vernon.We all turned to a Scream and looked as Vernon laughed and Jenny drop her phone. We all walked over to her to see what Vernon did "Wouldn't it be better to take a picture of me?" he asked catching all of our attention "Sorry I just wanted a picture of you guys to show my friends how pretty girls are here compare to Toronto" she smiled and Kaylee rolled her eyes "Here lets take a picture together than" Sara smiled "I don't want to" I hissed and walked off as Kaylee followed behind me."I'll get her to transfer trust me" Kaylee said and I shook my head "I'm worried Kaylee she's planning something and I'm not going to like it" I said and Kaylee let out a sigh, "She can't do anything Mom's on the parents commitee if anything mom will make me transfer or you, if something happens." She said and I let out a sigh "I don't know what life without you in the school would be like" I sighed, and Kaylee's eyes lit up "Hey what if I transfer out, you pretend to be me, I'll pretend to be you and go to your school so she will end all this?" She said and my eyes widened "Be like you? But I can't I can't be rude..." I said and Kaylee smiled "I'll let Sunny and Sara know our plan and to keep it secret okay" she said and I let out a sigh and Nodded my head "You take her out at school, I'll take out the others at your old school one by one" she smiled and so did I, as we walked home.

"Eomma! Louann wants to Transfer back to her old school she feels more comfortable there, she will live at Choi's place again but visit on weekends" Kaylee said, and mom allowed it to happen, it was going to be weird living Kaylee's life but we had to do it, at least until Kaylee transfers back or until we get caught.The Next morning Kaylee went to the School with Mom in place of me, and she let mom in on our plan, even though she wasn't on bored with it 100% she still agreed to it, I walked out of the house wearing Kaylee's clothes and her backpack and walked outside "Ah Kaylee is it true? Louann's leaving?" Jun asked and I nodded my head, "Don't you care?" he asked and I shook my head "She want's to go home than let her she'll be back on the weekend, school goes back to normal, Jenny can't bug her anymore" I said and walked onto the bus and Jun sat beside me.

I was hoping and praying that Jun would see through this so I wouldn't have to act rude around him, but I have to until he finds out. "Kaylee!" Sara sang winking at me and I rolled my eyes "Jun you're actually with her, wow Louann leaving has changed you already" she laughed nudging Jun but he just walked away, "Okay we need to fill you in on how to act, Vernon you hate him, you don't even treat him human, you don't accept gifts or anything from anyone, Jun taught you to ride a bike, you hate stuffed animals, you're allergic to dust, and if you ever read a book and Jun sits there don't do anything he will wait for you to finish before he talks to you, okay" Sara said and I nodded my head "Great you will do fine" She smiled and my mother and Kaylee walked out of the school, Kaylee gave me and okay sign and I nodded my head as they walked to the car and Jenny watched every moment and smiled. 


Picture of Jenny

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