Chapter 4

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"Please tell me he said something to you," Scott asks on the other side of the phone. He sounds worried. "We've been trying to reach him since last night and his phone is off and I really don't want to have to tell his dad that he disappeared again. I already called everyone else we know and no one has heard from him."

Lydia paces nervously back and forth in her downstairs bathroom. She's been feeling jittery ever since she left Stiles in her bed. "He's here, Scott," she mutters.

"He's there? H- How?"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "He drove, what do you think?"

"I meant, why? Why is he there? Did he tell you that Malia broke up with him?"

"Yes, but he didn't say anything else. He asked if he could stop by and I said yes." She pauses. "His voice, Scott-" Her own voice breaks a little. "His voice, it sounded like..."

"I get it," he whispers. They all remember Stiles' possession. "But you guys didn't... Hmm... Please tell me that you didn't..."

"Scott!" She hisses. Lydia knows exactly what he means. "He came over, we barely talked and we went to sleep. I don't really know what's going on but he's just so tired, he hasn't even woken up yet. That's pretty much the story."

Not that Lydia can see, but Scott looks embarrassed at what he was implying. "Sorry. It's just... You know that I know, right?"

It comes out more of a whisper because Lydia knows what's coming. "W- What?"

"That you have feelings for him," Scott says slowly, murmuring the words carefully, not knowing what to expect. "I know that we don't talk about it but Lydia, he probably feels like shit right now so I don't know if him being there is such a good idea."

"God, you sound like my mom," she complains. "I'm his friend too, Scott, and I'll be here for him no matter what. If he came to me over you, there's probably a reason."

"I know, that's what I'm saying."

"Well, that's not what I meant. You've known him longer, Scott, but I know him differently. And I care about him too."

"I know. Just... Be careful with him. It was bad, the break up, and I tried to get to him as soon as I found out but I couldn't get his scent and everyone said it was a hell of a scene..."

At that, Lydia yells. She can't help it. "She broke up with him at the party?"

Scott confirms. "In front of everyone, from what I was told."

Lydia's heart sinks fast in her chest and she feels the urge to scream. "If I get my hands on that werecoyote, I swear to god you'd better be there, Scott, or I'm gonna kill her."

"Perhaps we should hear the story first," the Alpha suggests, knowing that Lydia would be capable of fulfilling her threat easily enough, smart as she is. "Maybe I should come by, talk to him?"

"I don't know when he'll wake up, he was sound asleep when I left him."

"Do you think he'll stay the day?"

"I don't know, Scott! I'm not gonna wake him up, he needs to rest. But if I have any say in it, he'll stay. I'll tell him you called, alright? And please tell his dad that he's here."

Defeated, Scott concedes. "Okay. But Lydia..."

"I know. I'll be careful, I promise." She takes a deep breath. "And just so you know, I wouldn't. I couldn't do that to him."

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