10. Road Trip

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Tabbris and Jen were in Kevin's room as Kevin was packing when Tabbris heard Dean call out for them. There was a hint of worry in his tone, but the Winchesters did not come to the room. 

While Kevin had been packing, Tabbris had fitted Jen in a pair of those special handcuffs he had found for the road. He didn't know if they worked exactly the same way for reapers, but handcuffs were handcuffs the world over and, if anything, they would at least slow her down. When Kevin finished packing he nodded at Tabbris and they headed out past the library toward the stairs. Before they reached them, Dean and Sam appeared. Kevin didn't look at them.

"Kevin, where are you going?" Dean asked him, looking at Kevin's backpack.

"What's it look like?" Kevin asked, attempting to pass Dean. "I'm leaving."

Dean noticed the edge in his voice and saw the blood on his hands.

"Man," Dean sighed shaking his head. "I told you not to talk to Crowley. He'll screw with you're head, you know that."

"He told me my mom's alive. That if I let him go he'd bring her to me."

"You believed him?"

"He's still there, isn't he?!" Kevin snapped.

"He's lying, Kevin."

"What if he's not?" Kevin countered.

"Even if she is alive," Dean replied sympathetically, "she's dead. In every way that matters, she's dead. I'm sorry, Kevin. But out there," he pointed to the door, "it's demons, and angels, and they'd all love to get their hands on you."

"I'll have him," Kevin said looking over at Tabbris.

Dean glanced at Tabbris and said, "Some angel you barely know? We don't even know what to think of him yet. This is the safest place for you, Kevin. And we need you, man."

"Is what Crowley said about the boy true?" Tabbris cut in.

"What?" Dean asked glaring at Tabbris.

"That you use him to serve your needs," Tabbris explained, staring back evenly.

If that were the case, Tabbris was certain he would blow this Dean into a million pieces himself.

"What?" Dean balked at him. "Kevin, you're family, man. After all we've been through, everything you've done...if you don't think that we would die for you...then I don't know what to say."

Kevin broke down and started crying. From exhaustion, from loss, from love, Tabbris wasn't certain. Maybe a number of factors.

"Because you, me, Sam, and Cas," Dean continued, "we're all we've got. But if none of that matters to you, then I won't stop you."

Kevin dropped the backpack and Dean lead him back to his room, leaving Sam, Tabbris, and Jen alone. Suddenly, Sam's eyes shone blue for a second and he straightened up immediately. He turned to Tabbris.

"Ezekiel," Tabbris acknowledged.

Ezekiel nodded to him and asked, "Will Castiel know how to return us to Heaven?"

"I am not sure," Tabbris replied frowning. "But when he does come, you will help me?"

"I do not think I should leave Dean," he replied uncertainly. 

Tabbris scowled, "The human is unimportant. Join me, brother, and we can fix this together."

"If Castiel is alive."

"So you will come?"

"I...," Ezekiel started as Dean walked into the room. 

Then he was Sam again. Tabbris frowned unhappily at Dean.

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