11. Castiel

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Tabbris followed the reaper into the alley. He knew it was a reaper. He could see its true face. When he rounded the corner, he found he was not needed. Sam and Dean had the reaper pinned up against the brick wall, Sam holding the demon blade and Dean holding the angel blade. Both blades were pointed directly at the reaper's throat. It was under control.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean growled. "And why are you following us?"

The scrawny man didn't answer.

"He's a reaper," Tabbris said joining them.

"Reaper bounty hunters," Sam said. "Why'd they sic you on Cas?"

The reaper didn't answer.

Dean slashed his blade and cut the reaper's face.

"Answer!" he demanded.

The reaper only glared. Tabbris raised a hand to him. He didn't have time for the long interrogation. He clenched his fist and the reaper buckled over in, what Tabbris knew, was agonizing pain. Sam held a hand to it's mouth to prevent a scream.

"He warded himself," the reaper spat when his breath returned.

"Who hired you?" Sam asked. "Naomi?"

Tabbris looked over at him puzzled. Then he realized, Sam and Dean still didn't know.

The reaper chuckled, "You guys really are in the dark. No. Namoi's dead."

"Who's in charge then?" Dean asked.

The reaper glanced hesitantly at Tabbris, then said, "Bartholomew, her right hand man."

Tabbris frowned at that.

"What the hell Tabbris?" Dean asked turning on him. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I did not know he was in charge," Tabbris replied unhappily, feeling a bit betrayed.

"So he's organizing the angels?" Sam asked, turning the focus back on the reaper.

The reaper didn't respond and Dean stabbed him in the arm with the angel blade. The reaper grunted.

"That's it. That's all I know," he growled at Dean.

Dean held the blade threateningly to the reaper's throat.

"Kill me," the reaper told him. "Doesn't matter. If I don't find Castiel, someone else will."

Dean nodded and pulled the blade away a bit. Then he paused and plunged the blade into the reaper's throat. The reaper gagged and choked until he burst into bright light and his body crumpled to the ground.

Then Sam, Dean, and Tabbris returned quickly to the Impala and sped off towards Detroit.

"Naomi's dead?" Dean asked Tabbris when they got back on the road.

"Yes," he replied.

"Why didn't you tell us?" he asked irritated.

"I did not see the point. What would it have helped?" Tabbris replied.

"Okay, new rule," Dean told him. "You tell us everything, no matter how unimportant it seems. Got it?"

"Yes, but, Dean, I hope we will not be together much longer."

"You and me both," Dean said returning his attention to the road.


When they reached Detroit, they drove through the streets aimlessly all night. The passed building after building: tall, short, dark, lit up, whatever, and still got nowhere. Tabbris sat getting more and more frustrated in the backseat. Finally, Dean pulled the car over to the side of the road.

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