13 - camp pt. 1

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Just to warn you, the geography difference will likely be inaccurate here. I'm not from Miami, so have no clue about this stuff. Also this hasn't been proofread as I just wanted to get on with it lmao

Aiden's pov:

The moment, Aiden stepped out of the room, Aru burst out laughing.

"Why is your backpack as big as you are? And you bought carrier bags!" Aru snorted. She brought up her phone to take a photo. "Sending that Mini."

"Good. At least someone will be on my side," Aiden frowned deeply. Aru cackled harder. "She says you look like a tortoise on its 6th grade residential!" She gasped. Aiden watched, grumpy, as she continued to double over laughing.

"You done yet?"

"Almost," she let out another stream of giggles before stopping. "Finished."

"Where's you're bag then?" she lifted up her school bag, about as long as her upper arm. "That's it? Ok, you have definitely forgotten something."

"Nope," Aru answered. "I've got my clothes, pjs, blow up roll mat, heat-reflecting blanket, water bottle, toiletries and lip-gloss!"

"What about food?" Aru waved a box of pringles at him.

"Barbecue flavour. They're also good fire fuel." Aru told him. "And I've got tarp for a tent"

"How do you know all this?"

"I went to girl scouts for a free double session."

"You learnt all that in an hour?"

"2 hours. Double session." She checked her watch. "Oh we gotta go! And maybe swap to black sneakers." She picked up her too-small-to-be-true backpack and ran down the corridor.


"Welcome to our last 8 competing teams! Who's excited for the next challenge?" Theo's voice rung out over the crowd of teenagers. A few muttered "yes" unenthusiastically, while most just nodded sluggishly.

"I can't hear you? Who's excited?" No-one said anything this time. "Right. Well. You've all been sent an email of a map of the city. You will have to download an app to track your progress and get your clues. Remember to be at the Bayfront park before 8:15 and have camp set up before 8:45, so you don't disturb other competitors. Lights out will be at 10. Clear?" There were more nonchalant nods, and some clicks on phones. "Ok. After you find each object - they are all golden stars - alert us and then you can cash in the next clue. Your clue should come through on your phone in 3, 2,..."

Aiden's phone buzzed, a second before all the other mobiles joined in.

"Ok," Theodore finished, "off you go!" The other groups ran off in random directions, but Aru grabbed Aiden's arm before he could sprint away as well.

"We need to know where to go before we leave, unlike those doofuses." She said in answer to his questioning look. Based on her facial expression, he was also in the "doofus" category. "So wanna read out the clue?"

"Oh, yeah right. Ok. Word one: the country you're standing in. So, America, or American?"

"I'd say American." Aru agreed, before leaning over his shoulder to read. Aiden managed to ignore how close together their heads were. "Word two: lines through the skies, not a bird and not superman."

"Not a bird and not superman, so it'll have to be a plane?" Aiden thought out loud.

Aru added on. "Planes and lines through the sky. Plane-lines? Oh, Airlines!"

"American Airlines. There are quite a few of those, I think. Word three: where Katniss almost dies twice," Aiden asked.

"The Arena." Aru said instantly, stepping back. Aiden shot her a sideway glance. "What? I'm a hunger games fan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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