[37] Concern

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"Alright, I've changed out of my cheerleading costume, so I figure my charisma stat has probably gone down by a few points," you chuckled weakly.

["It seems like you're really leaning into the whole system theme. It would definitely be nice if your charisma could be upgraded, but alas, we're pretty much stuck with what you've got."]

You decided not to give in to their provocations for once. The first round of the tournament was about to begin, and Izuku was the one stepping up to the plate. You were a bit nervous for him, of course, but you were also excited to watch him compete. He'd done a great job so far, and he hadn't even used his Quirk yet. The power of All Might was second to no one, so it really just depended on what his opponent's Quirk was.

Speaking of his opponent, within moments of you stepping out of the changing room and turning down the hall, you found yourself crossing paths with a certain purple-haired boy.


Shinsou Hitoshi. You remembered his name, and not only because Izuku was about to go up against him.

Unfortunately, the two of you had already had a rather awkward encounter, and based on the way his brows had just furrowed, you got the sense that he didn't have a great impression of you.

["Talk to him. Who knows when you'll get another chance."]

You gritted your teeth. Yeah, you figured they would suggest something along those lines. Shinsou was a love interest, so no way in hell would they let you ignore him. Still, even though you'd only really spoken the one time, it was clear that he didn't think too highly of Hero Department students. He had a bias against them, most likely due to jealousy, but that unfortunately meant that you were already at a staggering disadvantage.

"Sup?" you blurted, and immediately, you wanted to punch yourself in the face.

The system seemed to feel the same way.

["Terrible. Just god awful. I'm not even an actual person, but I'm still getting secondhand embarrassment from watching you."]

Ugh, shut up! I don't need you to state the obvious!

Shinsou narrowed his eyes, but thankfully, his love points didn't drop. Your painfully awkward greeting hadn't offended him, at the very least.

"Hi," he simply replied, and already, he was starting to walk away.

You stumbled forward. "U-Um! I just wanted to ask you... uh..."

"What is it?" Shinsou sighed, looking increasingly annoyed.

"I was just wondering about... the-the cat!" you exclaimed, coming up with an excuse at the very last second. "Do you remember that kitten we both saw on campus? Did you, by any chance, run into it again since then?"

Shinsou didn't say anything for a few moments, almost as though he was debating whether or not to grace you with a response. But after contemplating it for a little while, he eventually nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "I've seen it around quite a few times, so someone among the faculty really must be taking care of it. Which is good to know. At least I don't have to worry about it ever going hungry."

You smiled. "That's nice. I was thinking I'd like to play with it again too. Oh, whoops. I did it again. I keep referring to the kitten as it, but we already know it's a boy."

"Right," Shinsou said, and for a second, it looked like he was biting back a grin. "You were very vocal about seeing his wiener, if I remember correctly."

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