[46] Glimpse Of The Past

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"What? What do you mean?" Shouto asked, not at all understanding. "If hospitals scare you, then why... did you agree to come with me today?"

Even if you were lucid enough to answer him, you wouldn't have known what to say. There was no logical way to explain it, but up until now, up until this very moment, you didn't know just how much hospitals frightened you. Of course you didn't.

You'd only just remembered it, for the very first time.


By now, the last of your strength had fully left your body. You crumpled to the ground, collapsing onto your knees, and Shouto crouched down next to you in a hurry, still holding your hand firmly in his. You could hear him calling out to you, over and over again, but his voice was becoming a foggy, jumbled mess. It was blurring with all of the other sounds in the background. So many sounds... too many sounds. It was overwhelming. You couldn't seem to remember how to breathe normally.

"Excuse me!" Shouto called out, gesturing towards one of the nurses-several others had just noticed what was happening, too. "My friend! She's not feeling well! Please come and help her!"

Several people crowded around you. A bunch of them were asking if you'd hit your head when you'd fallen to the ground, but in your current state, you could barely even hear them, let alone form a response. Slowly but surely, everything was fading into obscurity. Everything was turning black. Black like the same void in which you'd awoken.

All you could do was brace yourself for the inevitable suffering that would follow.


What did I do wrong this time?

You blinked lethargically. As expected, you were trapped in a vast expanse of nothingness. Within mere seconds of being here, you already felt hollow, all the way through to your bones. It just didn't make any sense. What, was the system upset with you for freaking out in front of one of your love interests? Were they mad because you'd thrown a fit right before you were supposed to meet Shouto's mother?

"How long?" you called out, voice faintly a mumble. "How long... do you plan on keeping me here?"

There was no response. So, they were giving you the silent treatment. Well, not that they'd ever responded verbally, but still. You honestly couldn't decide whether or not you actually wanted to hear that insufferable pinging noise of theirs. You couldn't decide whether it was better than drowning in this endless silence.

You began to trudge forward, expression downcast. It was just so fucking unfair. Perhaps you'd finally reached your breaking point. Perhaps all of this had been completely and utterly pointless. Just what in the world had you been suffering for? Did you even manage to accomplish anything? To get any actual answers?

No. And the reason for that was obvious. From the moment you'd awoken, with no memories apart from your own name, the system never planned on telling you a damn thing. It didn't matter how much progress you made. Ultimately, you were just doing their bidding. You were a puppet to their machinations. Shouto had talked about not wanting to be his father's tool, but ironically, you knew more about that than he could ever imagine.

"I hate you," you quietly sobbed, still dragging your feet along. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

Still no response. Whatever you'd done wrong, they were clearly livid. You were probably going to experience death again, for the third time. Who would be the one to kill you this time? You were willing to bet it'd be Shigaraki. Just to make you relive your trauma all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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