[45] Familiar Feelings

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You prayed that for once, just once, these fake parents of yours could be normal.

"So, [Name] tells us you two are very busy," Mitsuki said, spooning some salad onto her plate. "What do you both do for work, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm a senior technical solutions analyst," Ketsu proudly stated.

"And I work as a domestic commodities logistics account executive," Tama followed up with a bright smile.

...what the actual fuck.

Seriously? Of all the jobs they could have possibly picked, they just had to go with the most long-winded, utterly pretentious titles?

You cast a nervous glance towards Katsuki, who, unsurprisingly, looked far from impressed. Fortunately, Mitsuki and Masaru were much more gullible (or at least, they were polite enough to act the part), and they stared at your fake parents in a sort of wide-eyed adoration.

"That's incredible," Mitsuki praised, blinking several times. "I have to admit, I'm not too good with all those technical terms, but it's no wonder the two of you are always so busy. It sounds like you have very challenging professions. Masaru and I both work in the design industry. Our jobs are pretty flexible, and it's nice to be able to work from home every now and then."

"Yes, it's important to have a good work-life balance. My wife and I have struggled in that regard. Poor [Name] must get quite lonely at times."

Ketsu pretended to choke back a sob, and Tama was quick to follow up by patting him on the back and offering a few mumbled words of reassurance.

This was seriously a goddamn circus act.

"So, what, you're too busy to even take care of the house or cook your daughter some dinner every once in a while?" Katsuki glared accusingly. "I saw what your house looks like when I went over that one time. It's practically empty. Is it [Name]'s job to buy furniture and decorate, too?"


While you appreciated that he was seemingly looking out for you, you could certainly do without all the suspicion. It wasn't exactly unwarranted, but still. You knew better than anyone that your life didn't make any sense, but nothing good would come of him poking his nose where it didn't belong.

"We are very minimalist people by nature," Ketsu calmly replied. "But you're right. We should put in more effort to dress up the place so that it's cozier. We're sorry, [Name]. We've been even more immersed in our jobs than usual ever since the big move. Please don't hate your irresponsible parents too much."

He pretended to get all choked up again, and in your eyes, their acting certainly left a lot to be desired, but Mitsuki seemed convinced enough to yell at her son again. Not that it was really anything out of the ordinary.

"Katsuki, you little brat!" she fumed. "Who do you think you are, butting into someone else's family? I raised you better than that! Asshole!"

"The hell you did," Katsuki scowled.

"You got something else to say? Huh? Hurry up and apologize for how rude you're being!"

Mitsuki angrily pinched her son's cheek, which of course just aggravated the situation that much more. It didn't take long for them to start openly screaming at each other (even more loudly than before), and you wouldn't have been surprised if this whole thing were to escalate into a giant, overblown food fight.

Somehow, Katsuki's family actually made Ketsu and Tama look like they were normal. Well, almost.

Masaru begged his wife and son to give it a rest, at least for a little while, and you were granted a momentary reprieve from all the craziness. The parents talked amongst each other, and their conversation was pretty mundane, for the most part. Of course, that didn't stop Katsuki from glaring pointedly at Ketsu and Tama, with visible scrutiny in his eyes, but there wasn't really much you could do but ride it out.

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