Marshall's Dark Nightmare

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A/N: This chapter is a little bit gruesome so I'd advise you younger readers proceed with caution.

After dinner was it was time to head up to bed. Annabel and I slept in different rooms (for obvious reasons), Grandpa Edward slept in his room, and Mrs. Rogers slept in Grandma Victoria's room. I was really tired after everything that happened today so I definitely needed the sleep. Tonight was weird though because I didn't fall asleep until 12am at night.

"You don't deserve all the good you have, Marshall," a dark voice in my head said too me.
"Why don't I?" I asked the voice in my head.
"Because you let your parents die!!" the voice said in reply.
"I DIDN'T LET THEM DIE, THEY LEFT ME BECAUSE THEY DISOWNED ME!!!" I screamed at the voice in fury.
"AND THEY DIED IN A PLANE CRASH!!!" The voice yelled at me.

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!!!" I yelled back at him.
"Or does it," he said. I suddenly felt someone put there hands around my neck and try to strangle me. After kicking a bit, I finally beat whoever was trying to kill me off of me. I looked and saw it was me except this me had jet black skin and red eyes.
"YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER!!!" I yelled at him.
"Oh am I??" he said. I suddenly began falling into an endless abyss.

"Marshall, what's wrong?" I heard a kind voice say. I woke up still screaming until I realized it was just Annabel.
"Oh nothing, it was just a nightmare," I said.
"You look as white as a ghost, are you sure you're okay?" Annabel asked.
"I'm fine," I said. I gave her a hug and kiss and then fell back asleep.

Hey there readers. So a little bit of a mature content chapter but I want to add a little bit of scary parts so sorry about that. Anyways thanks again for the support.

The Author

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