Fourth of July Madness

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It was here, the Fourth of July was finally here.
"You guys excited to see the fireworks tonight?" Grandpa Edward asked.
"Yes!!!!" Annabel and I said at the same time.
"Well that's good to hear," Mrs. Rogers said. After we got done eating breakfast, I went back up to the bedroom I was staying in.
"Are you sure you're okay after last night?" Annabel asked me as she walked into the room.

"Well I don't know in all honesty," I told Annabel.
"What happened last night?" she asked.
"I had the most frightening nightmare ever," I said.
"That explains the screaming," Annabel said.
"I heard a voice saying that he was going to kill me," I said. Annabel gave me a hug.
"He also said that he was going to make me watch everyone I love die before he'd kill me," I said beginning to cry.
"I'm here for you, Marshall," Annabel said. I hugged her tightly.
"I won't let anyone hurt you, Annabel, I promise," I said.

The afternoon rolled around and I decided to watch politics on TV with Grandpa Edward. Annabel sat right next to me to try and help make me feel better. I love my grandpa and her a lot and I don't want either of them to get hurt. The evening finally came and we headed off to see the fireworks.

When we got to the plaza where they were shooting off the fireworks, I began to get really nervous. We sat down and fireworks display began. That's when the unthinkable happened, a citizen tried shooting off his own fireworks and the box tipped over. It was aiming at Annabel and Grandpa Edward!!! I then did the unthinkable.

As the firework shot towards Annabel and my grandpa, I jumped in front of it and it exploded right in front of me. I suddenly blacked out with the sound of Annabel screaming my name.

Hello again readers. I think this one of my most favorite stories to write out of the two I've done. Anyways thanks again for all the support.

The Author

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