Marshall's New Leg

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I began to try and get up out of my hospital bed but I was weak on my new leg and fell.
"Let me help you, Marshall," Annabel said to me as she helped me up.
"Thanks, Annabel," I said and gave her a hug.
"No problem," she said. We then walked to the waiting room.

"Dear gosh, Marsh," Grandpa Edward said as he saw my leg.
"I know it's bad, Grandpa," I said as I began to hang my head.
"Don't let it get to you," Annabel whispered in my ear. We then got in the car and headed back to my grandpa's house.

When we got back to his house I immediately went upstairs and crawled into my bed.
"Hey," Annabel said as she walked into the room.
"Hey," I replied to her.
"I just wanted to say thanks for doing what you did to save your grandpa and I," she said.
"It was nothing, I just didn't want either of you to get hurt," I said. Annabel then laid down and snuggled up next to me.
"I can't believe you were that willing to sacrifice yourself to keep the ones you love safe," she said.
"I just can't lose either of you, you're my family now and I've lost most of mine already, I can't lose anymore," I said.

"Well it looks like Mr. Hero has come back to play," the dark voice said after I fell asleep.
"You really don't give up do you," I said to him calmly.
"NEVER," he yelled and jumped at me.
"Thanks for the new leg," I said as I dodged his attack.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" He said and jumped at me again. I made my move and punched his jaw out.
"What's the matter," I said, "scared." He then screamed as he fizzled to dust. I then slept peacefully the rest of the night.

Hello readers, it's me again. The last chapter is coming close and I personally don't want it to, but I promise to write another book for you guys.

The Author

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