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My dream last night was interesting

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My dream last night was interesting. I was North and I was with the provinces. But I was me at the same time (you know how dreams are). We were defending Pyongyang in a war. But we were absolutely not in Pyongyang. I've been in Pyongyang, and that was not Pyongyang. There was a combat portion where we were manning the battlements on an old Korean fortress, fighting against giant mecha. Then we were in the hills to the north of the city, and there were these cars coming with people in them. I/North charged after them because I knew they were scheming something, and I came to this pavilion on top of the mountain where there were four guys- a blond British man, this guy from Нюхач (Russian TV show) who is a Japanese CEO, a Korean reactionary, and another guy who I didn't look at as much, but I think he was American. They had taken Andraste's ashes (Andraste is a religous figure in Dragon Age game series who led a slave rebellion then got burned at the pyre. Her ashes can cure any illness, and you have the choice to preserve or defile them), and were planning on using the defiled ashes to do some dark ritual. We needed pure ashes to combat them, and the provinces were freaking out, but I/North had a moment straight out of my game character where I said something like 'You think I didn't take any of the magical ashes that can cure any illness? Of course I stole some.' So we were going to use these to combat the ritual, and then I had a secret plan to give them to Kim Il-sung to turn him into a divine figure like Andraste. But before the battle could happen I was suddenly at someone's house at a party, and I was just me now. And there was this scratching sound and I asked what it was, and everyone started being dodgy about it, and I started freaking out. 'What is it? What's in the walls? Why aren't you telling me? What is it?!' until the host had to shamefully tell me she had rats in her house. And I immediately flipped to completely relaxed, just 'Oh yeah, rats. We used to get bad mouse infestations when I was young. Happens to the best of us.' Then I woke up.

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