11. Just Like Daddy

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Luis always liked dressing Eddie like him and styling his hair like him. Eddie was like his bestfriend, they always did things together.
Today Eddie was being like Luis the whole day, it all started when we went out for breakfast with Mireya and her family.
"I daddy" Eddie said putting one of Luis's shirts.
Luis laughed and took a picture.
They were dressed almost alike, they wore grey shirts, jeans, and grey converse.
During breakfast, Eddie tried doing everything his daddy did which made all of us laugh.
We had to go get groceries and while we were at the chip aisle Eduardo tried carrying 2 bags of chips.
"I strong daddy?" He asked Luis.
"Yea you're strong like me baby" Luis laughed
"Wow, you're strong Eddie" I said causing the other people to laugh.
We went back home and put the groceries away. During dinner we had spaghetti. I tried cuttin his spaghetti.
"No mommy" Eddie said.
"It'll be easier" I said after seeing him struggle.
"I, daddy" He yelled. I turned to Luis as he nodded assuring me he just wanted to be like him and it would be okay.
At night, Luis and I showered him with us, we changed him into his ironman pajamas. We went downstairs for his milk. And I went back up with Luis and Eddie behind me. Eddie jumped into bed with us.
"I big boy mommy" he said causing me to laugh.
"Yea and big boys sleep in their Own room" Luis laughed pulling him.
"Say goodnight mommy" Luis said.
"Night Night mommy" he said, I kissed his small lips.
"Night baby" I said.
Luis came back.
"He's growing way too fast" Luis said I agreed.

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