Chapter 30

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[Lizzie is laying on car's hood. Sebastian is fixing a wheel.]
Sebastian: You are a terrible pilot.
Lizzie: I didn't think that being with you could get any more miserable.
Sebastian: You are only angry because your plan to abandon me has failed. [Sebastian takes of his shirt. Lizzie rolls over on hood and sees he took off shirt.]
Lizzie: What are you doing? Put your shirt back on.
"Listen to her!" Glared Stefan at Sebastian.
Sebastian: You know, I sussed it when I was tracking you down. That is the reason you brought me along, wasn't it?So you could just, what, ditch me like some unwanted puppy.
Lizzie: I mean, more like a perk, really. You shouldn't be at the school. You call my friends parsnips.
"Like you treat them better." Muttered Audrey. Hope slapped her arm.
Sebastian: No, they're turnips.
Lizzie: Okay, whatever vegetable that they are, they don't like you. No one does.
Sebastian: (Chuckles) Except for you, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: For the last time, I don't "fancy" you or whatever. I might even hate you, Sebastian. You made me think that I was crazy.
"Wasn't that MG?" Said Freya.
Sebastian: Well, perhaps we both are. For I fancy you, Elizabeth.
"She doesn't fancy you. So get lost." Said Damon.
Lizzie: Did that line work in the Middle Ages?
Sebastian: Yes. Yes, it did, as did my abdominal muscles, but all that truly matters is that it's working now. [Lizzie takes off her eyes from his abs and glares.]
Salvatore brothers glare at Sebastian.
Lizzie: No, it isn't.
Sebastian: Mm, 'tis.
Lizzie: 'Tis not.
Sebastian: 'Tis.
Lizzie: 'Tis not.
Sebastian: 'Tis.
Lizzie: Okay, you are insufferable. [Lizzie gets off the car.]
Lizzie: But lucky for me, there is something called an aneurysm spell.
Sebastian: Which you cannot cast. Uh, not without touching me.
"I will kill him when we get out. Where was he found again?" Said Damon.
Lizzie: I said put your shirt back on.
[Sebastian smirks. Lizzie takes a deep breath.]
Lizzie: Okay, you know what? Whatever. You are forgetting that there is a perfectly good dead phoenix in the trunk. [Sebastian vamp speeds in front of her and grabs her neck with one hand.]
Sebastian: And you are forgetting that I am dangerous.
"Hands off my daughter!" Glared Caroline.
Lizzie: Stop talking. [Lizzie takes Sebastian's hand off her neck.]
Lizzie: Action is required. [Lizzie kisses Sebastian. Sebastian kisses her back and picks her up. He vamp speeds them to the hood of the car and they continue making out.]
"No, no, no!!!!" Said Stefan.
"Stop it!" Yelled Damon.
"Why did she have to take after me?" Groaned Caroline.
[Everyone is eating cookies, drinking cocoas and so on. Audrey is sitting in the corner and watching her phone. It is video of her and Klaus. Klaus is wearing Santa's hat.
* Young Audrey: Hello, Hope. Today is christmas and dad has something to say.
Klaus: I'm Klaus Mikaelson, also in this video. *]
"Oh, this is THAT video." Smirked Hope.
"It is." Grinned Audrey.
"I don't like those looks." Said Klaus. Hope and Audrey just smirk at him.
[* Young Audrey: No, no, no, no. Tell her your real name.
Klaus: I- i - said- i just said it. Klaus Mikaelson. I'm pretty sure--
Young Audrey: No, no, it isn't Klaus Mikaelson.
Klaus: Don't make me-- I don't want a-- (sighs) Santa Klaus. *]
Everyone bursts out laughing.
"Oh, god. This is perfect!" Said Kol.
"I want copy of this. I have to show it to Josh." Laughed Davina.
"I- i - can't--- breath." Choked out Damon between laughs.
"You two are ruining my reputation." Complained Klaus to Hope and Audrey. They give him matching smirks. Klaus groans.
[* Young Audrey: (smugly) Now say everything.
Klaus: I'm not saying it. It's emberassing.
Young Audrey: (yelling) YES, SAY IT!
Klaus: Ho, Ho, ho.
Young Audrey: (grinning) Merry, christmas. * ]
"This is the best christmas ever!" Laughed Kol. Chours agreement run through in cinema. Klaus glared at people who are laughing, which is basically everyone. Even Elijah.
[Audrey chuckles. Ryan gives her a cocoa. Audrey takes it.]
Audrey: Thanks.
Ryan: That guy is supposed to be The great evil? [Audrey laughs.]
Klaus looks close to pouting.
Audrey: Yeah. I had same reaction when i found out. Couldn't believe until he told me himself. [Audrey takes a sip.]
Audrey: Hmm. How are you?
Ryan: Better.
Audrey: You sure?
Ryan: Yes.
Audrey: I called Aunt Freya. She and New Orleans witches are helping me come up with unlinking spell that would free you from your father without dying.
Freya smiles.
Ryan: Thank you. I am so lucky to have you. [Audrey smiles and leans on Ryan.]
Audrey: And never forget that, pretty boy.
Ryan: (smiling) I wouldn't dare, stubborn girl. [Audrey waves her hand and summons mistletoe. Then she holds it over their heads. Ryan looks up and chuckles.]
Audrey: (grinning) It's a tradition.
Ryan: I think i like Christmas. [Audrey chuckles and they kiss.]
People smile at them. Everyone, but Kol and Klaus who remain overprotective.
[Kol is glaring at them, Davina is pulling him away.]
Davina: Let them be. You like it or not she is grown up. She can handle herself.
"Thank you, Aunt D. Dad, you listen to her, too." Said Audrey.
Kol: I don't like that boy.
Davina: You didn't like Lela either, but now you do.
Kol: No, i don't.
Davina: Yes, you do. When you saw how much she helped Hope during summer, you gave her a chance. Now Ryan might not be saving Audrey from depression, but he clearly makes her happy. [They look back to Ryan and Audrey, who are laughing.]
"He does." Smiled Audrey.
"I'm glad you found your epic love." Smiled Hayley.
'Thank you, mom." Said Audrey.
Davina: Give him a chance.
Kol: Fine. I will try.
"I don't understand how she gets Kol to listen." Said Klaus.
"The same way me and Hope do." Said Audrey.
[Davina smiles. The song Mariah Carey's "All i want for christmas" starts playing. Kol gives his hand to Davina.]
Kol: Will you dance with me, Mrs. Mikaelson?
Davina: (smiles) I would love to, Mr. Mikaelson. [Davina and Kol start dancing.]
Kol and Davina look at each other and smile.
[Audrey and Ryan start slow dancing, too. Then Hope and Lela join and everyone in hall starts dancing.]
Hope and Audrey watch happy memories with smiles.
[Rafael is putting his coat on.]
Walt: Sure you have to go?
Rafael: Yeah, I got to head back to the school and get myself some help.
Walt: Being a soldier's in your blood. Always moving forward. I'll get my keys. Give you a ride, at least.
Rafael: Or I could I could take the first bus out.
Walt: Uh, what about your friend?
Rafael: Landon's better at surviving than anyone I know.
"I didn't expect this." Admitted Stefan.
Rafael: Besides, I think I can learn a lot from you. I mean, if-- if you don't mind me, uh, crashing. [Walt hugs Rafael.]
"Cure." Said Caroline.
[Hope is sitting on stairs. Lela sits next to her.]
Lela: You left.
Hope: Sorry. I needed air. I'm not fun of holidays.
Lela: So i have heard. [Hope places her head on Lela's arm and they sit in comfortable silence.]
People smile at them.
Lela: This Christmas was surprisingly violent.
Hope: (smiles) If you think this is violent, you should see our family's christmas dinner.
"Oh, definetly." Chuckled Audrey.
Lela: Oh, really?
Hope: Yeah. Last year Audrey and Uncle Kol got drunk and tried to kill Marcel. We barely managed to stop them. [Lela throws her head back and laughs.]
Kol laughs, too.
"We so would. If you and aunts didn't intervene." Said Audrey.
"He's immortal." Rolled her eyes Hope.
"So we get to kill him more than once? Did you hear that, Uncle Kol?" Said Audrey.
"I did." Chuckled Kol. Davina slapped Kol's arm and gave him disapproving look.
"Why do you hate me so much?" Complained Marcel.
"Do you want a list?" Said Audrey.
"Audrey, be nice." Reminded Hayley.
"I'm nice. To people who don't torture my father for years for literally no reason." Said Audrey.
Lela: Sounds like fun. [Hope watches her laugh mesmerised.]
Hope: You are beautiful. [Lela smiles.]
Lela: What brought it?
Hope: Nothing. [Hope kisses Lela.]
[Sebastian and Lizzie are sitting in a car.]
Sebastian: I am glad you accepted the truth. You fancy me very much indeed.
Salvatore brothers glare at Sebastian. Caroline doesn't seem pleased either, but she doesn't say anything.
Lizzie: I fancy sex with you. The jury's out on all the rest.
Sebastian: Would more copulation convince you that I should stay at the school?
"He is so dead." Said Damon.
Lizzie: Uh, I-I- Why would you even want to stay? Besides the copulation.
Sebastian: Because I have nowhere else to go. In my five centuries of being on this planet, little has changed in the way that people treat one another.
"What does five century old want with sixteen or seventeen year old Lizzie?" Said Stefan.
"Okay. Please tell me i'm not the only one seeing hypocricity in what he just said." Said Audrey.
Sebastian: This world is cruel to those it considers broken. But the Salvatore School, for all its (Chuckles) aggravations, is different. It's the kindest place that I have ever been. That's why I want to stay there. [Sebastian and Lizzie are looking into each other's eyes.]
Sebastian: If you'll have me. [Lizzie smiles.]
[Audrey knocks and enters room.]
Audrey: Hey. I brought you cookies.
Carlos: Thanks.
"Why do you spend so much time with him? You have boyfriend." Said Caroline.
"What does it have to do with me being nice to my friend?" Said Audrey.
Audrey: You should have come down to party. It was good.
Carlos: I didn't feel like it. [Audrey places plate of cookies on nightstand.]
Audrey: Don't isolate yourself, you had enough of it in Malivore. Get to know people. You might like them.
Carlos: I don't think so. [Audrey shrugs.]
Audrey: Your choice. But if you want to free your conscious, you could always apologise to Josie. She is very forgiving person.
Carlos: I will think about it. Are you done?
Audrey: Thank you for today. [Carlos nods. Audrey turns to leave.]
Carlos: Audrey!
Audrey: Yes?
Carlos: Thank you. For cookies.
Audrey: (smiles) You are welcome.
"Looks like start of great friendship." Said Hayley.
"It was." Smiled Audrey.
[Audrey turns around to leave.]
Carlos: Wait. Do you still have SimuLandon?
Audrey: Yes. We have it under sleeping spell until it disintegrates.
"He was annoying." Said Audrey.
Audrey: Why?
Carlos: I know where Malivore is. If it's true, then close the Malivore. [Audrey's eyes widen.]
Audrey: Why didn't you say it yesterday?
Carlos: I didn't think it'd work. I still don't. But i guess it's worth a try. [Audrey grins.]
Audrey: Thank you.
[Josie, Davina and Kol are putting decoration in the box. Alaric walks in with little box in his hand.]
Alaric: I've been looking for you. What are you guys doing?
Josie: Packing up Christmas.
Alaric: Well, it's not over yet, because Santa left this for you.
Josie: Then that's for you.
Caroline smiles at Josie's selflesness.
Alaric: Really? What do you think it is?
Josie: It's perfect. [Alaric opens the gift and sees headmaster's badge with his name on it. Alaric smiles.]
"Alaric is back to being headmaster." Said Damon. Audrey groans.
[Kaleb walks out and sees Santa near red car.]
Kaleb: Damn! Nice ride!
Santa: Oh. (Laughs) Thank you, Kaleb. To be honest, I much prefer my reindeer.
Kaleb: To a '75 Vette? Sorry. My-my crazy-ass Uncle Earl had this exact same car. I've wanted one since I was a kid.
"It's a gift, isn't it?" Asked Kol.
"Yep." Said Audrey.
Santa: Well, that's why we give gifts during the holiday season. To remind us that it's important to have dreams.
Because sometimes, they come true. [Santa throws keys to Kaleb. Kaleb looks at him shocked.]
Santa: Merry Christmas, Kaleb.
Kaleb: What? For real? [Santa laughs and leaves.]
Kaleb: Ho, ho, yeah!
[Audrey see very small box on her nightstand and takes it.]
Ryan: What's that?
Audrey: (surprised) Seems like Santa left gift for me.
Ryan: You asked for it?
"I was surprised about that." Said Hope.
"After my talk with Ryan, i wrote a wish and throw it in fire. I didn't expect it to come true." Said Audrey.
Audrey: Not to Santa. At least, i didn't have him in mind. I just wrote a wish and threw in fire. My family does it on christmas. [Audrey opens the box and sees paper with spell written on it. Audrey grins.]
"What spell is it?" Asked Davina, not recognising it.
Ryan: What is it? [Audrey looks up at him with happy expression.]
Audrey: Spell to free you from Malivore. You will be free.
Ryan: (in small voice) Really?
Audrey: (grinning) Really. [Ryan picks Audrey up and twirl. Both of them laugh happily.]
People smile at them.
[From the window we see Santa flying away with his reindeers.]
Santa: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
"I love good endings." Smiled Caroline.
[SimuLandon stands in front of Malivore.]
SimuLandon: Okay, Landon. You can do it. For Hope. [Before SimuLandon can jump, Necromancer slices SimuLandon's head off and throws it in Malivore.]
"What is Necromacer's motives?" Asked Elijah. Hope and Audrey didn't answer.

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