Chapter 38

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[Alaric is sitting in his armchair, while Kol and Davina are talking to him.]
Alaric: I still don't like this idea.
Davina: None of us like it, but it's the only plan that we have. And we have to do something before Mora miserium fractures again.
"Ascendent creating plan." Explained Hope.
"I though he agreed." Said Caroline.
"He did, but still wasn't all in on this plan." Said Audrey.
Alaric: Wait. "Time fractures." The prophecy. You're right. We've got to get a move on this now.
People look worried at the mention of prophecy.
Kol: So we will use new Ascendent?
Alaric: Are you sure you guys can handle this?
Davina: Alone? I'm not sure since as i said i haven't done this before, but with help? I know i can.
[Witches hold hands. Kol is standing little distance away.]
Davina: Working together. That's what Coven Day is all about. It's only when witches are alone that we're truly in danger. But together we are strong and can cast spells that none of us would be able to do ourselves. [Lizzie and Josie put sandclock in center.]
Davina looks surprised by her speech. She always worked alone before, but maybe things change.
Josie: I'm sorry for dragging us into this.
Lizzie: I'm sorry I didn't know you needed help. I love you.
Josie: I love you, too. [Josie and Lizzie join others.]
Salvatores smile at them.
Davina: Now, witches, focus on assembling these pieces into a new ascendant that will lead to a new prison world. [Witches close their eyes. Ascendent is created by pieces joining each other and falls on ground.]
"It worked." Said Kol.
"You doubted?" Asked Davina.
"Not for a second." Said Kol.
Josie: One spell down. One to go.
Davina: Well done, witches, well done, but it's not over. We must pull together and channel our energy as one to banish the Sandclock before it breaks.
[Josie, Alyssa and Lizzie go toward ascendent. Alyssa takes ascendent first.]
Alyssa: (smiling) We all got to stick together, right?
"She is planing something." Said Klaus.
"How would you know?" Asked Hope curiously.
"Trust me, i know." Said Klaus.
[Alyssa gives Ascendent to Josie. Josie pours liquied in Ascendent, then Josie and Lizzie touch Mora miserium and Ascendent and start chanting along with other witches.]
All: Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema [Bright light shoots out and Mora misrium disappears.]
"It worked." Grinned Caroline. Salvatore brothers smile happily along with them. Klaus looks at Alyssa suspiciously, trying to figure out what she is planning.
Lizzie: We did it. It's gone. [Lizzie hugs Josie.]
[Alaric is walking and talking on phone.]
Alaric: Hey, yeah, I- I just wanted to thank you for your advice earlier.
Sheriff: (Over phone) You finished your novel?
Alaric: (chuckles) No. I let my friend and daughters take care of the situation, and, shockingly, the world didn't end. So I owe you one. Hey, uh, what do you say dinner this weekend?
"Finally, Ric." Said Damon.
Mac: (Chuckles) My answer's in your pocket. [Alaric checks his pockets, takes out paper and sees written 'You're da bomb- Mac' on it. Alaric smiles.]
"I like her." Said Caroline.
[Alaric touches lamp to turn it off and disappears.]
"What happened?" Asked Caroline.
"Alyssa. I told you. I knew something wasn't right. That's why we were seeing her weird past and that's what she was planing." Said Klaus.
"Yeah, yeah, you were right. Calm down, dad." Said Audrey.
[Emma and Alyssa are walking.]
Emma: You look very happy, Alyssa, and I hear you're making friends.
Alyssa: Zoe told me that I'm her best friend.
Emma: (Chuckles) Is she your best friend?
Alyssa: Either her, or maybe Clara.
Emma: Well, that's a good problem to have. I'm so proud of the progress you've made, which is why I think we can stop having our weekly sessions.
"They really erased her memories?" Asked Caroline.
"Yes." Answered Hope.
Alyssa: Really? I'm better?
Emma: I think so. What do you think? [Smilling Alyssa nods.]
Emma: (chuckles) Okay. [Alyssa leaves.]
[Lizzie is laying on bed and looking up at celling.]
Josie: Shouldn't you be celebrating? Plan worked.
Lizzie: Yeah, but with the drama over, I don't have anything to distract myself anymore.
Josie: Distract you from what? [Lizzie sighs. Josie lays next to Lizzie and hugs her.]
Josie: It's okay to miss him.
"Don't worry. I will kill him when we go back." Said Damon.
Lizzie: I know I shouldn't care. Sebastian wasn't a great guy, but still. [Footsteps approach. Lizzie and Josie look over to door and see Audrey, Hope and Lela standing in doorway.]
Hope: Hey. We came to check up on Josie.
Girls smile at them.
Josie: (smiles) Thanks. I'm okay.
Audrey: Okay. Then--
Lizzie: You can join. [Hope, Audrey and Lela smile and join them. Hope lays next to them, Audrey and Lela can't fit, so sit they sit with them.]
People look pleasently surprised and smile at girls.
[Suddenly, Lizzie and Josie disappear. Hope, Lela and Audrey look surprised and confused.]
"Why are my girls always in danger?!" Said worried Caroline. Stefan holds her hand.
"They will be okay." Said Audrey.
[Landon jabs punching bag. Ryan walks in.]
Ryan: That jab is really coming along. [Landon turns around.]
Landon: Thanks. You wanted something?
Ryan: Earlier, I said some things -
Landon: We were both affected by Qareen.
"Is this the moment?" Asked Hope.
"I think." Said Audrey.
"What moment?" Asked Hayley.
Ryan: I just want you to know that i didn't mean it. [Landon looks curious.]
Ryan: All of that-- what i said. I said them because i knew it would get under your skin.
Landon: Why did you want to get under my skin?
Ryan: Because Qareen took advantage of-- the centuries of jaelousy and envy.
Landon: Jaelousy? Why? [Ryan looks like he is trying to decide if he should answer or how.]
Ryan: Since-- since i was created i was never enough for anyone. Not until Audrey. With you being friends with Audrey, i-- i was afraid i would be overshadowed.
"No one could overshadow you, pretty boy." Said Audrey. Klaus scrowls.
Landon: You realise that only reason she started being friendly toward me is you, don't you? [Ryan smiles.]
Ryan: I know she wouldn't leave me, but i have this voice in my head that says that i will never be enough, that i---
[Ryan looks away, then he clears his throat and starts talking again. Landon doesn't interrupted, realising how hard it is for him to talk.]
Ryan: -- that plants doubts in my mind and i can't make it silent. Even without Qareens.
People look empathetic toward Ryan.
Landon: I'm sorry for what i said, too. You are more than our father. [Ryan looks at Landon surprised.]
Landon: You fight against him even after you have seen first hand how awful and dangerous he is, after how much i'm sure he did to you and-- i think-- i think it's very brave.
"Aww. This is so cute." Said Audrey.
[Ryan looks into his eyes like he is searching for a lie, but doesn't find it. Ryan and Landon are silent for few seconds. Ryan is about to leave, but Landon speaks up and he stops.]
Landon: We are kind of alike.
Ryan: What do you mean?
Landon: The insecurity Qareen used against me was similar to yours in a way. I-- i was raised in orpanage. Moved from one house to another. Not many of them were nice and all of them left me. Like i thought my real parents did.
Hayley gives Landon empathetic look.
Landon: (Pause) Like you i am also scared of not being enough, to be left behind... I- i know that voice that tells you you are never gonna be enough, that you don't deserve goodness, that you will be abandone like you have been so many times before. [Landon eyes water up, but he doesn't let tear drop.]
People give him sad look.
Landon: Since i can remember i have always wanted family, but i never got one. Not until Rafael. And then you showed up. [He looks into Ryan's eyes.]
Landon: My biological brother who turns out isn't psycho co-worker of our evil father anymore. And you didn't want to have anything to do with me and i thought i was okay with that, but i wasn't. Qareen took advantage of that. It said you would get ride of me, so i thought for the first time if i did it instead, it would be better. (Chuckles bitterly) It didn't really work.
"Poor boy." Said Hayley.
Ryan: We could try. [Landon snaps his head to Ryan.]
Ryan: I don't-- i don't really know how to be a brother. (Tears up) I wasn't-- really good one to Maeve and others died almost as soon as they were created. But i-- i could try to be a brother. To do better. If you-- you want to. [Landon hugs him. Ryan stumbles back little by the force of it and hesistently wraps his arms around him, too.]
"This is so emotional scene." Said Caroline, looking on the verge of tears.
[Neither of them can hold back tears anymore and they start crying in each others arms. They seem to be lifted in the air, but neither of them notice.]
"What the fuck?" Said Damon.
"Hero raises and is fallen by golden arrow." Remembered Stefan.
[After few minutes, they calm down and see they are flying.]
Ryan: Are you--
Landon: (shocked) I'm flying.
Ryan: O-okay. Can you put us down now?
Landon: I don't know how t-- [They both fall on ground.]
Ryan: (yells) LANDOOOOON! [Landon laughs.]
Everyone laughes.
[Lela, Audrey and Hope are sitting on Alyssa's bed. Audrey's holding ascendent. When Alyssa walks in, Hope throws her on wall. Hope gets up and walks over to her. Audrey and Lela follow.]
Hope: What the hell did you do?
"You figured it out. " said Caroline relieved.
"It wasn't hard. We saw Alyssa was the one who touched Ascendent first." Said Audrey.
[Alaric breaks the wooden chair and holds it. Lizzie goes running to Alaric.]
Lizzie: Dad? Where are we?
Alaric: We're in a prison world.
Josie: I thought you said the worlds would be identical.
Alaric: It's not the one you made today. It's-it's the one you made when you were kids.
"Kai." Remembered Marcel from Audrey and Hope's telling.
Josie: Why are we here?
Alaric: I'm guessing Alyssa Chang wants to teach me a lesson.
"What does he mean?" Asked Elijah.
"You will see." Said Hope.
Lizzie: For what? [Sebastian walks in.]
Sebastian: The miseducation of young minds.
"Sebastian? That's where he took him?" Asked Kol.
"He contacted Emma. The teacher that used to teach Salvatore school before aunt D and conviced her to send him here. Get ready to see how awful Alaric truly is." Said Audrey and glared at Alaric.
Lizzie: (smiles) Sebastian?
Sebastian: (smiling) Hello, Elizabeth. Fancy meeting you here.

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