Chapter 37

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[Young Alyssa is playing with her doll. Alaric is talking on phone with Emma.]
Emma: You knew she'd have problems adjusting.
"What does she mean?" Said Caroline.
"Wait and find out." Said Audrey.
Alaric: It's been years, Emma. And she's still prone to getting in fights with the other kids. Look we have dealt with problem students in the past. I hate to say it, but if she keeps this up, we might have to consider expulsion.
Audrey glares at Alaric.
Emma: We said we'd never do that again, Ric.
Alaric: I know, but what if we were wrong?
[Ryan, Landon, Lela, Carlos and wade are running in corridor. ]
"Where did Ryan and Landon came from?" Asked Freya.
"They found them when they started chasing Qareen, so Landon and Ryan joined the hunt." Explained Audrey.
Carlos: Which way?
Wade: I can't see it. I lost it. [Hope, Audrey and Lizzie come up from behind them.]
Hope: Lost what? Landon's fashion sense? [Ryan and Audrey bursts out laughing.]
Kol, Caroline, Audrey, Klaus and Damon laugh.
"Sorry. I -- i shouldn't-- be-- laughing." Said Caroline between laugher.
Hope: Sorry, I didn't mean that.
Landon: You said my look was classic.
"You were dating back then. Of course she did." Said Audrey.
Audrey: (snorts) Sure.
Lizzie: And you believed that? Sorry, i think.
Landon: Well, I'm living a lie.
Wade: We're looking for the Qareen. It's a creature that makes everyone act like
Landon: (to Lizzie) You.
Audrey snickers.
Wade: It's invisible; only fairies can see it.
Lizzie: Do you want to take this, or should I?
Audrey: It's too easy. Can't even get any pleasure out of it. Sorry.
"Qareen's fault." Defended Audrey.
[Lizzie glares at Carlos, who she seemed to notice just now.]
Lizzie: What is he doing here?
Landon: Hey, focus. It's gaining strength by the minute. Once it's strong enough to manifest itself on, uh, non-fairy plane. Anyway, we have to figure out a way to stop it.
Lizzie: It is so much less impressive when you give the hero speeches. That was all me.
Caroline shakes her head fondly.
Hope: What's the plan?
Lizzie: We could start with not involving enemies. [Lizzie glares at Carlos. Carlos doesn't respond.]
Audrey: We have bigger problems than your grudge. Now, you four,-- [points at Lela, Landon, Ryan and Wade.]
Audrey: --the plan.
[Sheriff Machado and Alaric are talking at table.]
Sheriff Machado: Then I get back home, and Maya is on her best behavior. And you do not have to be a cop to realize--
Alaric: -That she's hiding something.
Sheriff: Yeah. That's when I hear a noise in the living room. I open the closet door to find--
Alaric: Let me guess. It's a girlfriend.
Sheriff: I wish. It was like a clown car in there. Five kids, one keg. (Laughs)
I don't even know how they all squeezed in there.
"You won't do things like that, will you?" Asked Klaus.
"Audrey once sneak out to party when she was 15." Said Hope.
"Snitches end up with stitches, Hope. Remember it." Glared Audrey.
"You did what?" Said Hayley and Klaus.
"Everyone was going and i was teen. Dad already grounded me." Said Audrey.
"What did he do?" Asked Kol curiously.
"He took away my grimmoires for a month. MONHTh, uncle Kol and he took my phone and only let me use laptop for homework. I was stuck in house with nothing to do. It was horrible. Good thing i at least had books." Complained Audrey. People look at her amused.
"You are so spoiled." Rolled her eyes Hope.
"Shut up, golden girl. Not all of us are boring goody- two- shoes." Glared Audrey. Kol chuckled amused.
Alaric: Yikes. So, what'd you do next?
Sheriff: Mm my first instinct was to cuff them and drag them all down to the station. But then I calmed down and I did the reasonable thing that we always do, because that's what we have to do, right?
Alaric: I-I lie to my girls and keep secrets to protect them, so I'm not sure I'm the right person to be asking for parental advice.
"You aren't." Agreed Audrey.
Sheriff: Well, I'm a little desperate. My good kid just got in another fight.
Alaric: I'm Team Ethan, so maybe trust him to make the right decisions on his own.
Sheriff: Then perhaps you should let your daughters solve their own problems sometime. And would it absolve you of your own sins to let someone say, a cute cop hear these secrets that you're keeping?
Damon smirks at Alaric.
Alaric: Oh, sorry, Sheriff. But I'll be taking those secrets with me to the grave.
[Two student girls are fighting. Kol pulls them away from each other. Black smoke shows up and from it emerges Qareen. Students gasp.]
Kol: What the bloody hell is that thing?
"In less than one year in your school i have seen more weird things than in my thousand years." Said Kol.
"What can we say? We attract trouble." Said Hope.
[Door opens and Qareen walks in.]
Davina: I'm working, Kol. [Davina sees reflection of Qareen in sandclock and stands up. Before she can defend herself, Qareen throws her away and causes her to lose consciousness.]
"Davina!!" Yelled worried Marcel, Kol and Hayley.
"She is okay." Assured Audrey.
[Qareen takes Mora Miserium and leaves.]
"Why did he take that? Oh my god-- Josie--." Said Caroline.
"We will take back Mora miserium. Don't worry." Said Hope. Stefan pats Caroline'a back soothingly to calm her down.
[Wade, Audrey, Ryan, Carlos, Hope and Landon are reading in library.]
Wade: Okay. The Qareen does have an Achilles' heel. Uh, it's weak to myrrh, Sinbad's scimitar, and fairies.
Hope: Don't even think about it.
"Qareen" Defended Hope.
Wade: Why don't you believe me?
Hope: Can you fly or shoot fairy dust or make others gleeful?
Carlos: Do you have any other explanation how he can see Qareen when none of us can? Or how Lela was not affected and she spent the most time with Wade? [Wade smiles at Carlos.]
"He has point. Is Wade fairy?" Asked Freya. Audrey and Hope piint at screen.
Audrey: He is right. The way everyone started acting so strangely isn't coincidence, so Wade's version is only logical explanation we have right now.
[Hope considers it and nods.]
Hope: Fairies wouldn't be craziest thing we have encountered.
"Not even close." Said Hope and Audrey.
Wade: (hopefully) You believe me? That i'm fairy?
Landon: Of course.
Audrey: Yes.
Ryan: I have heard about fairy before, so their existence isn't news for me.
[Wade looks at Carlos and then Hope, both of them nod. Suddenly, wings spring out of Wade's back. Everyone, including Wade, looks shocked.]
"Wow." Said Kol and looks at wings fascinated. Everyonw looks surprised even if they had doubt he was fairy.
[Alyssa walks in.]
Alyssa: (shocked) What the--
Wade: (stunned) I have wings.
Landon: That's because fairies run on belief. The more people that believe in you, the stronger your powers. [Wade's smile widens.]
Audrey: (to Alyssa) What are you doing here? [Alyssa snaps out of shock.]
Alyssa: There is a monster on campus. It kind of looks like that pimple you had last week.
"I have never had pimple in my life. I'm tribrid. Human things like that are beneath me." Said Audrey.
Audrey: (sarcastic smile) Are you sure it wasn't your own reflection? [Alyssa scrowls and leaves.]
[Lela walks in and sees unconscious Davina. She run to her.]
Lela: Davina, wake up. [Davins slowly opens her eyes.]
"She went to tell her about Qareen." Explained Hope.
Lela: How are you? [Lela helps Davina sits up. Kol vamp-speeds to Davina.]
Kol: Davina? Are you okay?
Davina: Qareen was here.
Kol: I know. I saw him with sandclock. That's why i couldn't fight. I ordered students to put up a barrier spell, so the Qareen's stuck in here with us.
Lela: The Sandclock? Why?
Davina: Josie?
Lela: Lizzie went to her.
Davina: We need to see how she is. If the Sandclock gets damaged--
Kol: I know. [Kol takes out phone and calls 'Mischief💫'. Audrey answers.]
Audrey: I'm busy. We are about to fight Qareen.
Some look worried.
Kol: Are Josie and Hope with you?
Audrey: Yes. I have to go.
Kol: I'll be there. Don't engage. [Kol hungs up.]
"You didn't listen, did you?" Said Kol.
"You should know by now we wouldn't." Said Hope. Klaus and Hayley share a look that says we will have hard time with them.
Kol: (to Lela) Stay with her. [Kol vamp-speeds out.]
[Hall is filled with students. Audrey puts the phone down.]
Carlos: Where is it?
Audrey: He should be here, because people-- [ 'Funcle💞' calls.]
"Because what?" Asked Stefan.
"He was locked in campus and he feds on anger and insecurities, so logically he would go where the most people were." Said Audrey.
Audrey: Sorry. [Audrey answers Kol.]
Audrey: I'm busy. We are about to fight Qareen.
Kol: [on phone] Are Josie and Hope with you? [Qareen walks in, holding sandclock and swings his hand to one of the students. Students look scared. Audrey's eyes widen.]
Audrey: Yes. I have to go.
Landon: Wade! [Wade lets his wings out. Students look surprised. [MG and Kaleb are grinning.]
Kaleb: (to MG) Oh. Dude's, like, all fairy. Like, for real. [Students start cheering.]
Kol: [on phone] I will be there. Don't engage. [Kol hungs up and Audrey puts phone back to her pocket.]
"You could hear what was happening. You knew they would." Said Marcel.
"Worth a try." Said Kol.
Students: Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade!
Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade!
Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade!Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade!Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade! Wade!
[Wade claps his wings and fairy dust flows out. Qareen strugles to get out, but fairy dust makes him disappear.]
"Cool." Said Damon. Everyone looks at scene amazed.
[Sandclock starts falling. Hope waves her hand and sandclock goes to her without it being damaged. Hope gives it to Josie. Wade grins happily as he is being surrounded by cheering students. Kol vamp-speeds in hall.]
Kol: Hope? Audrey?
Hope&Audrey: Here! [Kol vamp-speeds to them and checks them over.]
"You are cute when you are worried." Said Davina. Kol grins.
"Are i always?" Said Kol with pout. Davina chuckles at his antics. Marcel glares at Kol.
Kol: What happened?
Audrey: Wade defeated Qareen.
[There is cracking voice from sandclock. Everyone looks toward it.]
"This isn't good." Said worried Stefan. Caroline gripped his arm with fear for her daughters. Damon also looks worried.
[Alyssa is sitting on chair with her arms crossed. Emma and Alaric are talking to her.]
Alaric: Lizzie was rushed to the infirmary - with severe burns. Now, thankfully, she'll be okay.
"She burned Lizzie?" Exclaimed Caroline.
Alyssa: Well, I was in the library all morning.
Emma: I know. I also know you've been practicing linking spells. Connecting people with objects. [Emma shows burned notebook.]
"Her and her linking spells." Said annoyed Hope.
Alaric: (sighs) I'm sorry, Alyssa. But I'm gonna have to send you away.
Alyssa: (scared) Where am I gonna go?
Emma: What if there was another option? I can cast a spell to remove the memories of what you did. What happened with your parents. It could give you a fresh new start. (To Alaric) She's not like the others.
"You can't just erase her memories! It's her memories and her life." Yelled Caroline. She knew what it felt like to have holes in your memory, how it is when someone takes away part of you. That isn't right. She won't stand and watch how people do it to her students.
Alaric: What would you like to do, Alyssa?
Alyssa: I want to stay.
"She was forced to agree. She was clearly orphan and that has nowhere to go. You can't just erase her memories just because she acted out after whatever traumatic event she went through." Said Hayley.

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