Chapter 32

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[Landon is showing Sebastian around.]
Landon: Pretty much everyone gets along here. Um, there are other supernatural schools, I guess, but we're the only one that integrates all three factions. It can be a little overwhelming for new students.
Sebastian: Tis not three factions. 'Tis four.
"Technically much more than four. We have phoenixes, golems, Shifters, etc." Said Hope.
Sebastian: Tell me, what powers does a phoenix possess? Surely, it's more than merely dying often.
Landon: That's, uh That's kind of it. I'm cool with it, though. I mean, everyone else has the hero angle covered here. I'm better as a sidekick.
Sebastian: Mm. I imagine it would be nice not to be killed quite so easily. Sorry about last time, by the way.
Landon: No worries. You're not the first person around here who's killed me.
[Sebastian and Landon meet Josie on the stairs.]
Landon: Hey.
Josie: Hi.
Landon: How's it going? What-What's up?
Josie: (clears her throat) The usual. Getting rid of magical evidence before my dad overreacts.
Landon: Sure. [Both of them look awkward.]
"Awkward." Commented Marcel.
Josie: Anyways, see you later.
Sebastian: Is this what they call "teen drama"?
Landon: Shut up. [Audrey goes to Landon. Ryan follows reluctantly. Audrey smiles at Landon.]
Audrey: Hey.
Landon: Hey.
Audrey: It's nice to see you here again.
"Yep. Still weird." Said Davina.
Landon: uuh, You, too. [Audrey looks at Ryan for him to say something, but he doesn't.]
"He clearly doesn't want to do anything with Landon. Why are interfering?" Said Damon.
"Mind your own business. I know better than you what my boyfriend wants." Said Audrey.
Audrey: What are you doing?
Landon: Uh, Dr. Saltzman is having me test Sebastian here to see if he can stay at the school.
Audrey: Ryan, why don't you help him?
Sebastian: I can assure you, I will be on my best behavior. Even a sidekick can handle me. [Audrey sents glare at Sebastian.]
Ryan: You heard him. Let's go.
"He has to face Landon someday." Said Hayley.
Audrey: Well, see you around, Landon.
[Audrey sighs and follows Ryan.]
Landon: That was weird.
[Chad is cleaning. Necromancer is standing and talking to him.]
Necromancer: This is a charade. We shouldn't be here cleaning congealed dairy and sugar. We should be kings. People should tremble at the sound of our names. Preach. Power, Chad! That's what I'm talking about. Real power.
"Annoying clown." Muttered Audrey.
Chad: Cash money.
Necromancer: No! Not money. Any fool can get rich.
"That's why he is working part time job for bare minimum?" Said Audrey.
Chad: Oh, right.
Necromancer: Necromancy. Dominion over life and death. The ability to bend the universe to your will.
Chad: Like that sweet gig you used to have. Walking around, being your own boss, raising people from the dead.
Necromancer: You believe my story?
Chad: Of course. I'm into all that stuff the government doesn't want us to know about UFOs, lizard men, Bigfoot. I just wish I could've seen you kick ass back in the day.
"The way he is right, thro." Said Audrey.
Necromancer: Maybe you're not too late. [Necromancer takes dead cockroach and holds his hand above it.]
Necromancer: Rise. Rise. [Cockroach comes back. Necromancer laughs.]
"I assume he got his powers back." Said Elijah.
Chad: Did you just--
Necromancer: I've been practicing. Now you've witnessed my sorcery, I have one question for you, Chad. Will you be my acolyte?
"What's acolyte?" Asked Stefan.
"It's a fancy word for follower." Answered Elijah.
"Of course you would know." Teased Hayley.
Chad: Hell yeah. What-What's an acolyte?
Necromancer; It's a fancy word for "follower".
Chad: Where are we going?
Necromancer: We're going back to the way things used to be. Because somehow I'm gonna become the Necromancer again.
[Necromancer has dead cat in candles circle and holding his hands above it. Chad is next to him and watching.]
Necromancer: Rise, feline. Rise.
"Poor cat. What did it do to him?" Said Caroline.
Chad: (whispering) How long's it supposed to take?
Necromancer: (groans) I don't know, Chad. Cockroaches are child's play compared to more complex animals.
Chad: Ev-Eventually you work your way back up to humans, right?
"Why does he want that? What he gets out of being his follower?" Asked Freya.
Necromancer: All in good time, my acolyte. Malivore took my powers, but he couldn't take my birthright, a propensity for magic. Now I need to rebuild my skills, step by step.
Chad: Why do you think Malivore did this to you? Well, if you were promised peace, why did he send you here?
Necromancer: I'm sure he was jealous of my power.
"Arrogant bitch." Rolled their eyes Audrey and Hope.
Necromancer: That I was the only one who was smart enough to outfox-- Oh, that's strange. I can't remember who I stole the knife from. I mean, I remember the man with the anger issues and the impressive jawline and bruneete naive tribrid, but there was someone else.
"I'm not naive." Said Hope.
"Not as much as you were." Agreed Audrey.
[Cat meows. We see it came back to life, but then died again. Necromancer screamed in rage.]
Audrey and Hope smirk in amusment at Necromancer's misery.
[Lizzie and MG are reading comics.]
Lizzie: So you get to see all of these amazing alternate universes, but then, eventually, everything just resets back to normal, and the heroes don't even remember any of it? Lame.
"Oh, the irony." Chuckled Audrey.
MG: (laughs) I got to say, I'm surprised you wanted to hang out. I thought you weren't gonna talk to me ever again.
"I'm surprised, too. I expected her to be angry for weeks." Admitted Caroline.
Lizzie: Gaslighting me was a reprehensible act, but keep supplying me with superheroes in spandex, and we'll call it a wash. [Mg smiles. Then sighs and looks like he realised something and turns to Lizzie.]
"Didn't she once said comics are nerd porn?" Said Audrey.
MG: Okay. Come clean. You-you hate all this nerdy stuff.
Lizzie: Okay, fine. I'm trying not to have sex with Sebastian again.
Salvatore brothers look disgusted. Caroline doesn't look pleased either.
MG: I thought you hated him, too.
Lizzie: I did. I mean, I do. I just I'm also incredibly turned on by him.
"Mood." Said Audrey. Mikaelson men slowly turn toward her. Audrey innocently smiles.
MG: Oh, I don't need to hear any of this.
Lizzie: So we're-- we've been having a lot of sex.
"I don't want to hear this." Murmured Stefan.
Lizzie: And-and my mind is telling me to stop, but apparently my body didn't get the message about how much of a feminist I am.
Caroline glanced at Klaus for a second. Klaus caughts her eye, but Caroline looks away as fast as she looked.
Lizzie: So I'm trying to avoid him until he is inevitably kicked out of school. And comic books are the literary equivalent of a cold shower.
MG: That's actually a graphic novel.
Lizzie: Okay, yeah, that's good. Keep saying stuff like that.
Salvatores make a face. Clealry everyone wants scene to change.
MG: No. This is a seminal work of fiction, not something to run your horny clock out. [MG takes comics and leaves.]
"Exactly. You tell her, MG!" Said Audrey.
[Necromancer is sitting on couch and drinking bear.]
Chad: Come on, man. Get- get up! You- you can't just mope around like this.
You-you want to do magic or something?
Necromancer: Hmm. Pointless! Ah, I was foolish to think I could reclaim my former glory. It took me centuries to become the Necromancer in the first place!
Chad: You can't give up on your dreams, man!
"Let the man brood and drown in his misery." Said annoyed Audrey.
Chad: You should fight him. We both should fight him. Where is Malivore right now?
"He is more arrogant and stupid than Damon if he thinks he can defeat Malivore." Said Audrey. Damon glared at her, but Caroline and Stefan stopped him from talking back.
Necromancer: He's a sentient pit of black goo in rural Georgia.
Chad: Okay. Well, then we pee on him. Yeah. We take a leak right in that pit. That'll show him who's boss.
"And he will let creature out that will kill you, Moron!" Rolled her eyes Audrey.
[Necromancer sits up smiling.]
Necromancer: Yeah. Yeah!
[Ball rolls up to Landon. Landon takes it with struggle. Lela and Jed approach Landon.]
Lela: Hey. Have you heard from Raf?
Landon: Uh, he's staying with his dad for a bit. I think it'll be good for him.
Jed: Tell, uh, Captain Cheekbones he's got a weird staring problem.
"He really has creepy stare." Agreed Hope.
[Jed and Lela chuckle and go back to Audrey and the rest of the pack.]
Landon: It's okay. Lots of vampires can't be around one werewolf, let alone this many. Most vampires can't control their emotions. Downside of all the power, I guess.
"Depends on vampire." Said Hope.
Sebastian: I think having no power would be far more concerning, Phoenix. [Audrey hears Sebastian and glares. Audrey throws ball to Sebastian. Sebastian coughs it.]
Audrey: You are playing.
[Landon looks at Audrey surprised.]
"You defended Landon?" Asked Hayley surprised.
"Couldn't let him insult my boyfriend's brother. They might not have had much of a relationship, but i had a feeling it would change." Said Audrey.
[Pack splits in half and start playing. Sebastian jodges hits with his vamp-speed, so ball hits his teammates. Audrey's shot hits Sebastian exactly in his face. Sebastian falls on the ground.]
"Headshot!!" Cheered Kol. Audrey grinned.
[Audrey raises her hand to stop others and approaches Sebastian. Sebastian stands up and laughs.]
Sebastian: Well played, my lupine friend. [Audrey stucks her hand out and they shake it.]
Audrey: Rematch anytime, bloodsucker.
"Really?" Said Hayley.
"He started." Defended Audrey. Hayley chuckles.
Sebastian: (chuckling) Anytime. [Audrey tags on Sebastian's hand and bring him closer.]
Audrey: You will watch how you talk to Landon. You wouldn't want to piss of your lupine friend, right? [Audrey's eyes glow yellow.]
Sebastian: (smiling) Of course.
Audrey: (smiling) Of course.
"I have never seen faker smiles." Said Marcel.
"You ruled the city. I'm sure you have seen worse fake smiles." Said Audrey.
[Landon looks weirded out.]
Landon: I don't get it.
Audrey: What you don't get, Landon?
Landon: Why are you being nice to me lately? I thought you didn't like me.
Audrey: Well, past is past. I want us to start from new page. What do you say? [Audrey holds her hand out to Landon.]
Landon: I would like that. [Landon shakes her hand.]
"Changing brothers?" Mocked Damon.
"I'm not Elena." Said Audrey.
[Necromancer and Chad are walking in Triad building.]
Necromancer: (Yells) Oh, Malivore! You have visitors. We brought you a little pre-- [They see pit is empty.]
Necromancer: Pit is empty. Someone closed the portal. (Laughs) Malivore was defeated. You were right. And if Malivore can be beaten, anything's possible. I can fulfill my destiny.
"Don't tell me i conviced him to go back to necromancy." Groaned Audrey.
"To be fair, i'm sure he would still go back earlier or later." Said Hope.
Chad: That's what I'm talking about!Yeah. So-so what do we do next? How do we level you up?
Necromancer: Oh, dark sorcery requires a steep price to be paid in exchange for power. I'm afraid I must sacrifice that which I hold most dear.
"He is gonna kill him, won't he?" Guessed Klaus.
Chad: What's that?
Necromancer: The only thing in this wretched existence I've grown fond of. [Necromancer stabs Chad in neck.]

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