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I watched Shane Dawsons 'coming out' video where he mentions he's Bisexual. And what's bothering me is that he hates him self. And it just makes me really mad. Because he's perfect. Everyone might have flaws, and I know that's hard and stuff. But WHY WONT PEOPLE EXCEPT THEM FOR THEM. My friend is Pansexual and she's fine with it! It's confusing but you have to accept that. It makes you different which is good. When people don't except them selves it makes me sad... and when you're sad, people ask what's wrong. And they say "Nothing I'm fine" or "I'm just tired" like IF YOU DONT TELL ME HOW CAN I HELP. I FEEL LIKE I CANT DO MY JOB. IM HERE SO YOU CAN TALK TO ME. And when people say "I'm fking here!" People don't use that. Shane said he was here for people, and people just used it like he said "I'm not helpful so don't bother" when WERE ACTUALLY PRETTY FREAKING GOOD AT HELPING. Mind as well not do anything If they don't use it! But you know why we do? Because WE CARE. We care so much that we can loose sleep. We can not eat, just so we can force you to eat again. We can fail school, just so you can come back. Because who cares what people say? Who cares what they think? You're your sexuality and be damn proud of it. Because you can date the same people. Straights stick with one sexuality. Where gays know how it is to kiss they're gender. Bisexuals can date both. Pans don't care! They date who they like. So I don't understand why people get so worked up. Gay marrige is LEGAL. BE WHO YOU WANT.

(Sorry for the random rant. Just had to, another might be coming up soon)

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