Chapter 5

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Stefan was home with Anna eating dinner together. " I can't believe you decide to marry her instead of me ".

Stefan felt annoyed by her sudden question, " you know how much my parents hate our relationship. I can't even marry you but they want Scarlet to marry me instead ".

Anna scoffs in disbelief, " is that an excuse? If you really want me and love me you should've ignore your parents. It's your choice you are an adult now you can choose your own life partner. Besides, what do they like about her? She's not even a wife material ".

" Can you stop? At least we didn't break up " he raised his voice.

Anna was speechless because he had never raised his voice before. " How long will you be with her? Did you think about when will you divorce her? ".

Stefan fell silence for a while, he had never thought about it before because he never had the intentions to divorce Scarlet one day.

Anna noticed and she could read him, " oh so you don't have any intentions to divorce her? Are we both going to keep this relationship forever and not get married? Do you expect to have a third person in our relationship? " Anna keep nagging at him furiously.

Stefan glared and wake up from the seat leaving her alone. All the time he's in a relationship with Anna, he didn't think of a future with her. He didn't think of having her as his wife. All he think is, Anna is just a toy for him to play with. He had never love Anna, not even once.

Stefan laying down on his bed while staring at the ceiling, deep in his thoughts thinking about how his future will be if he and Scarlet are already married.

Until, Anna enter the room wearing a lingerie trying to seduce Stefan. " I'm sorry for arguing just now. I shouldn't have open the topic, forgive me and why don't we do what we usually do " she said seductively.

Stefan eyeing on her looking at her up and down. He pulled her and kissed her aggressively, they both then make out.

The next morning, Scarlet had no choice but to come back home to Stefan's house. She look around the house until she reached the doorstep. She took a deep breath before enter, the bodyguards then open the door for her.

She walk into the house and look around the house searching for someone who could guide her.

But unfortunately, the person who appear with a sexy lingerie came to her. Scarlet's expression change when she saw it's her ex best friend who had betrayed her before.

Anna fold her arms with an arrogant look on her face. " If I were you, I wouldn't have step a foot on this house " she tried to provoked Scarlet.

Scarlet rolled her eyes, " it's not like I want to be here either but your boyfriend asked me to ".

Anna expression turned cold, " anyway, I'm not sure if Stefan told you but even though you both are married, we both won't break up. We will continue our relationship and of course I will keep on staying here with him as always ". Anna tried to keep calm and provoke Scarlet.

Scarlet didn't even care about it, all she could think about is she wants to repay her debt faster so she could divorce.

Stefan walk down the stairs shirtless, only wearing sweatpants and with his hair wet. He saw Scarlet and Anna, but his eyes were only set towards Scarlet. Strangely, he felt excited that Scarlet is finally home.

He quickly walk down the stairs but as he approached them he tried to keep his coolness acting like he's not excited just now.

" You're back now? How's your dad? " He asked awkwardly.

Anna could sense the awkwardness aura from him. She glared at him but Stefan ignored her.

" My dad is not conscious yet but my mom take care of my dad for a while. I came here because you told me to yesterday " Scarlet responded.

Stefan nodded awkwardly, even his body movements are quite awkward. He called one of his maid, " lead her to her room ".

Scarlet followed behind the maid while Anna keep glared at Stefan. Stefan's expression and eyes change instantly, he look rather annoyed.

" Why are you awkward with her all of sudden? Now when you look at me, you look annoyed? " Anna nagged at him again.

" If you keep trying to argue with me why don't you just leave " Stefan responded furiously.

Anna leave him after feeling frustrated that since Scarlet came into the picture again, their relationship didn't turned out well.

While Scarlet reached her room, she look around the room amazed by how beautiful the room is.

(Scarlet's bedroom)

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(Scarlet's bedroom)

After looking around her room, Scarlet lay herself down on the bed staring at the ceiling until she fall asleep.

Stefan who was waiting for Scarlet downstairs, he decided to check on Scarlet in the room. He opened her door slowly trying to not make any sound. When he saw her sleeping, he quietly enter the room.

He stared at her for a while, reminded by the past when he watched her sleep before.


" When we get married in the future, what kind of house and bedroom do you want? " Stefan asked.

Scarlet smiled shyly, " that is so random ". She searched for the bedroom and house designs, she showed it to him.

Stefan chuckled, " really? This is so simple ".

" Why? It's beautiful. Simple is beautiful, besides I don't expect everything looks luxury " Scarlet replied.

Stefan wrap his arm around her shoulder, " once I manage to became a successful business man, I will build our future house and decorate the bedroom myself ".

Scarlet chuckled, " shouldn't we both decorate the bedroom together? ". 

Stefan shake his head disagree, " nope, let me decorate it. For me it's like I'm building our future together so that's why it's important for me to decorate the bedroom myself ".

Scarlet hugged him tightly, " I love you. I will always be by your side until you became a successful man. I will support you and wait everything will come true ".

Stefan hugged her tightly too, " thank you baby, I love too. I'm glad that I have you my source of strength ".

End of flashback.

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