Chapter 9

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Scarlet came home after she had done her work. She walk inside the house weakly while she check the time on her watch. It was late so Scarlet wanted to settle down herself but Stefan appeared out of nowhere.

" You're late " he said.

Scarlet sighed, " You know exactly why I'm late. I want to go and rest " she tried to walk away from him but he stopped her.

" You shouldn't be this late because you should've cook for my dinner ".

Scarlet was in disbelief and speechless, " I could if you had let me continue the work tomorrow. I would've been home earliee ".

Stefan eyes darkened, " wow, you're arguing with me right now ".

Scarlet felt really exhausted so she decided to ignore him and just walk away from him but Stefan didn't even bother to stop her.

" I will make your life a living hell " he mumbled.

After Scarlet already settle down, she lay herself on the bed while staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, her mind was filled with her memories with her parents. She missed them so much but she was too busy that she didn't get to asked about them. She wanted to call her mom but her eyes were already so tired until she fell asleep.

The next morning, Scarlet wake up earlier and prepare herself. When she walk down the stairs, she stared at the kitchen for a while. She remembered that she had to prepare breakfast for Stefan.

Stefan had already awake and prepare himself too. He paused for a second and gaze at the foods on the table. " Miss Scarlet had prepared your breakfast just now " the maid said to him.

" Where is she? " He asked.

" She has already left to go to work earlier ".

Stefan thoughts suddenly filled with why did Scarlet go to work so early. He started to overthinking that the reason she go to work early is because of Matthew. He only had one bite of the food then ran out of the house.

After he arrived, he quickly ran to the elevator. He then ran to the office, searching for Scarlet but he can't see her. He thought that Scarlet must've gone to breakfast together with Matthew.

Stefan mood changed so he decided to wait for her in the office but he stopped when he saw Scarlet was sleeping. Her arms was on the desk and she lay her head on her arms. Stefan felt instant relief to see Scarlet was here.

He quietly approached her to check on her. He stared at her for a moment, suddenly mesmerized by how pretty she looks even though she's asleep. He can't help but to stunned by her beauty for a moment.

When he heard some people approaching, he quickly walk away to his office. Matthew who was one of them surprised when he saw Scarlet is asleep. He tap on her shoulder to wake her up.

Scarlet was awake, struggling to open her sleepy eyes. Her vision was blurry at first. She rubbed her eyes to see who had tried to wake her, she saw Matthew infront of her eyes.

Matthew gaze at her with a worried expression on his face. " Did you fell asleep here since last night? ".

Scarlet shake her head, " no, I wake up early to go to work so I could finish my work but I fall asleep ".

Matthew signed feeling pity for her. " I will buy you a coffee so you won't feel so sleepy ".

Scarlet grabbed Matthew's arm trying to stop him. " No I'm fine it's alright you don't need to buy me a coffee ".

" I will buy you one so you won't feel so sleepy. Besides, you came to work early. You must've wake up very early to prepare yourself right. So let me buy you a coffee " he insisted.

Scarlet felt bad and hesitate to accept his offer. " Let's just go and buy coffee together. I think I need to go for a walk for morning air too ".

Matthew nodded agreed, " let's go. Let's go for a walk while we drink our coffee ". Scarlet smiled and nodded agreed too.

Stefan who was inside his office had been watching them from the beginning. He frowned when he saw Matthew and Scarlet walk together so he decided to follow them to see where are they going.

Scarlet and Matthew enjoying their coffee while taking a walk, admiring the morning air and view of the city in the morning.

" It's been a long time I felt this calm. I miss my morning walk " Scarlet said.

" Why? You can't do your morning walk anymore? " Matthew asked.

Scarlet stopped, " since I've worked, things had been so hectic. That's why I don't have any time. I go back home from work, the only thing I could do is eat and sleep early. In the morning, I had to prepare myself without even having a breakfast. I straight away ran to work without having my peaceful morning walk ".

Matthew gaze at her with pitiful eyes, " you do have time to have your peaceful morning walk. If you came early in the future, we both could go for a morning walk together if that is fine with you ".

Scarlet smile sweetly, " I'm glad and grateful to have you. You are always by my side ". They both then chuckled together.

While Stefan who was behind them hiding, his heart was filled with fire and anger. He can't deny that he was jealous because of how they close they are. They even go for a walk together like a couple.

After they head back to the office, Scarlet wanted to sit but her telephone was ringing. She knew it's Stefan calling for her, she gaze at his office for a while. She can't believe after she had a nice morning walk, she had to face someone who are the cause of her stress.

She took the files and walk to his office. She put the files on the table, waiting for his response. After Stefan done checking the files, he took out new files from his drawer and threw it on the table.

" Here another work for you to settle. This right here is done so do another one " he said with an arrogant tone in his voice, making Scarlet felt irritated by his attitude.

Scarlet tried to remain calm and took the files. She didn't say anything, she just walk out of the room. Stefan was dumbfounded by her reaction. Normally, Scarlet will bow and respond but Scarlet ignored him instead.

Stefan started to overthinking that Scarlet react that way because of Matthew.

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