Chapter 17

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Scarlet was stressed doing her work and needed someone to help but when she look around, everyone else was busy so she thought she had to figure it out alone. Matthew who noticed that, he decided to help her.

" Do you need some help? " He ask gently.

Scarlet hesitate to answer him because she didn't want to trouble him but Matthew could read her mind so he himself volunteer to help her without waiting for her respond.

Scarlet tried to stopped him but Matthew insisted, " I will help you it's fine. Besides, my work are already done that's why I'm here to help you. I'm free now. Relax " he said.

Anna who overheard them, she glanced at them for a second. Her eyes going back forth and forth pretending to look at her computer but her eyes look at her side, watching them.

Matthew purposely hugged Scarlet from behind, acting as if he's helping to fix her work in the computer. Scarlet was flustered by this sudden move of Matthew, she tried to make a distance from him by moving forward slowly.

" Stop right there, stay where you were just now " Matthew whisper.

Scarlet was in confusion, " what do you mean by that? ".

" Just play along with me. Let's act like a romantic couple so people will ship us when they saw us. I'm sure Stefan will be pissed ".

Scarlet didn't hesitate, her body automatically go back to the usual position. Matthew's chest were attached to Scarlet's back, grabbing some people's attention especially Anna who was bitter watching them looking so close.

Scarlet whispered to him, " I'm kinda scared but I don't know why I even listen to you and play along ".

Matthew chuckled softly, " just trust me. Let's stay like this first ".

The manager who saw them and tease them with a mischievous smile, " oh looks like there will be a new couple in this department " he teased them.

Scarlet smile awkwardly while Matthew proudly laugh out loud, " you make me flattered. I hope so " he tease.

Surprised by his respond, Scarlet look up at him with a confusion expression on her face. Matthew respond her with a smirk and a wink, making everyone in the office starts to tease them and shipping them.

Anna were not happy, she keep glaring at Scarlet. Matthew who noticed that, he glared at her back giving a warning signal on his face. A warning to Anna to stop glaring at Scarlet. Anna who saw that, she look away furiously trying to control her temper.

Stefan is one of the person who are not happy and angrier when he saw how close Matthew is to Scarlet, especially when everyone tease and shipping them right infront of his eyes. He hates the way Matthew claim his wife shamelessly. He wanted to separate them but he can't because his relationship with Scarlet remains as a secret.

When the work hours is finish, Scarlet waiting for her transport as usual. Matthew standing beside her, " why don't I send you home? " He offered.

Scarlet shake her head refused, " it's fine you don't need to send me home ".

" Why? I mean I know where you live and I know you live with who so what's wrong? There's no secret between us anymore right ".

Scarlet's came into realization, all these while she rejected his offer because she didn't want him to know about where she live and who she live with. " You're right. All these while I had to reject your offer because I didn't want you to know but now you know I think I shouldn't reject your offer ".

Matthew chuckled by her cuteness, admiring her little dumb personality. He gaze at her with admiration in his eyes while wondering how can Stefan hurt someone like her.

Scarlet phone rang, flinched by her own ringtone, she immediately picked up the call without checking who is calling her.

" Hello? " She said while putting her phone against her ear.

" Scarlet? Are you at work now? ". The soft tone in the phone call was her mom.

Scarlet was happy that her mom finally call for her. " Mom! Are you doing fine while taking care of dad? Did you have enough rest and eat? ". Matthew who was still standing beside her, admiring the way she care for her mom too. Knowing that her mom is also the one who wanted her to marry with Stefan so bad, Scarlet still care for her mom.

" I'm doing fine I'm eating well and had enough rest. I call you because your dad is already awake. I call you to ask you to visit him ".

Scarlet gasped surprised, " really? Did is already awake? Alright mom I will be there wait for me " she said excitedly and hang up the call.

She look up at Matthew with sparkling doe eyes, knowing the meaning of that, Matthew chuckled. " Let's go. I will drive you there ". Scarlet smile excitedly and ran to his car immediately.

Matthew chuckled by this adorable side of her because he had never seen her being so excited before.

Stefan who was in his car the whole time watching them. Seeing them, he was so angry when he saw how excited Scarlet is and how Matthew keep admiring her with loving eyes.

" Follow them ". He said to his personal driver.

When they were already arrived at the hospital, Scarlet excitedly ran inside the hospital, she was so excited to meet her dad who was already awake. Stefan arrived at the same time, when the destination is the hospital he knew Scarlet must've go here to visit her dad. Curious, he stepped out from his car to check on them too.

Scarlet open the room door and saw her dad was laying weakly with his eyes open, from that moment Scarlet had a mix emotion inside her. Scarlet felt sad when she saw her dad laying weakly on the bed with a smile on his face when he saw her, but happy because her dad finally woke up.

Scarlet immediately ran to her dad and held his warm hand, " dad you're awake. I miss you ".

Her dad pat her head gently, " I miss you too, are you doing fine? "

Scarlet burst into tears knowing she's not doing fine but after looking at her dad, for her it was worth it as long as he will be healthy in the future.

Matthew was standing behind Scarlet politely lowered his head, grabbing her dad's attention. " Who is he " he asked.

Scarlet turned her head to look who was behind her, it was Matthew. Scarlet paused for a moment, she didn't prepared anything, she tried to think of any excuses.

Matthew noticed, so he spontaneously introduce himself. " Hello sir, I'm your daughter's boss. I came here because I offered to send her here to meet you ". He said while bowing politely.

Her dad was impressed by how gentleman Matthew is. Not only his attitude, but from his looks and aura, he's the definition of gentleman. Her dad had a good impression on him and started to tease, " Scarlet, your boss here looks good for you ".

Surprised by what her dad had said, Scarlet hit her dad's arm gently. " Dad stop don't tease me like that ".

Stefan who was hiding behind the door, he overheard them. He heard the laughter filled the room because of their interaction together, making him suddenly feel envious and jealous of Matthew.

He knew Scarlet's dad despised him so much, seeing him welcomed Matthew makes him worried. He started to feel competitive and anxious at the same time, he didn't want to feel defeated by Matthew so he try to figure out something to win Scarlet and her dad heart. But he wondered -

Will he manage to win their heart back one day?

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