Chapter 1

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Hopes Peak Academy.

The place I dreamed of going to ever since I first went to school,

The place where the most skilled students would go to.

And I got in.

I stared out the window of my dads car thinking about what would happen at my time during Hopes Peak.

I snap out of my trance once I see a group of tall buildings, it was the Academy.

The car parks itself and I get out, saying farewells to my dad.

I take a moment to embrace the large building complex. After that, I started heading to the gate.

When I started getting closer and approach the gate, I see a boy around my height, with brunette hair, and a very prominent...ahoge.

"Hello." I greet him. He turns around surprised.

"Oh, name is Hajime Hinata..." The boy says, looking very nervous.

"Im (insert Y/N here, but since I dont want to type all of that i'll just use my nickname, because laziness) (insert lash name :D). Im the Ultimate Musician, or one of them Atleast."

"One of them?.." Hajime asks, still looking a little nervous, but slightly calmed.

"There's different ones for each genre. For instance, my cousin Ibuki Mioda is an Ultimate Musician, and she dabbles in punk/pop music. I am best at rock/metal and some classical music, since I love my flute." I show him a small, long rectangular case I was holding.

"Ah, I didn't know that."

"What's your Ultimate talent?"

That really hit him, and he looked like he was almost sweating.


"Dont worry, I promise I won't make fun of you, promise promise." I say while holding out a pinky. He looks at it and sighs.

"Im not an a Reserve Course student..." He says the last part slightly quieter, and sighs.

"That's cool. There's nothing wrong with that." I say with a smile. I honestly expected worst.

"You're being sarcastic, but it makes me feel better."

"No, I'm not. Even if you dont possess an ultimate talent, doesn't mean you're not a human still. I would like to hang out with you later on." I say, and look at him. He looked shocked.

"R-really? I've heard the Ultimates did horrible things to Reserve Students but, this is different..."

"But im only one Ultimate. There could be some out there, so just in case, lets look after each other, shall we?"

"Alright, lets start this over, then. My name is Hajime Hinata. Im a Reserve Course student, pleased to meet you." He exclaims, saying the reserve course part in a more hushed tone.

"My name is Izzy (not gonna say my last name), and im an Ultimate Musician. Pleased to meet you."

We both shakes hands, and stared at each other. I've gotta admit, he was quite attractive, but I have to keep that shut between bars in my mind, since relationships with me never really worked. I hear a call from the distance, and it was familiar, but this call snapped us out of the stare.

"IZZY!! IBUKI IS HERE!!!" Ibuki yells from a distance, waving her arm above her head and running insanely fast. When she caught up, she didn't even take tine to catch her breath, and started looking at me and Hajime.

"I didn't expect you to have a boyfriend already, jeez girl." She teased, and crosses her arms.

"N-no its not like that!" I exclaim, and Hajimes face turns as red as a tomato.

"Twas joking, although Ibuki ships it. Oh how rude of me! Let me introduce myself." She clears her voice and straightens her stature. " Im Ibuki Mioda, an Ultimate Musician!"

"Im Hajime Hinata, and im...." Hajime started to get nervous again, to comfort him, I put my hand on his shoulder and whispered 'dont worry, she's not the type to judge at all'. He looked at me and nodded.

"Im a Reserve Course student."

"Awesome! Now lets get inside, Ibuki is tired of waitinggggg...." She says as she grabs my arm, dragging me into the building, as I gripped Hajimes.

For some reason, Ibuki knew where to go, so we arrived at the ceremony and blah blah blah, boring stuff.

Apparently since there is a ton of new students, there will be shared rooms, and with the max number of 2 people. I was one of those students who had to share a room with someone. I hope I wouldn't get someone I didn't know at all, or some really creepy guy...

I apparently had to share rooms with Hajime.

I tapped his shoulder, and he turned to look at me.

"Hello, new roommate!"

"Whoa, we're actually going to be roommates?"

"Hell yeah! Lets go find our room." I say and gripped his hand, running to the dorms.

It took us like, 10 minutes, but we finally found the damned place. I entered, and tried to find the nearest bed I can flop on, but the only bed I saw was a bunk bed.

"Im taking bottom." I exclaim, and run towards the bed, jumping on it, and sprawled on top of the covers.

"Wha- oh. Fine be like that." He says and laughs, and climbs to his bed above me.

I pulled out my 3DS and started replaying Ocarina of Time for the millionth time, and after 10 minutes, Hajime started talking to me, which lead to a conversation. I ended up sitting on the couch in our room next to him, while still playing the 3DS, and talking to him.

After I met with the Princess, I decided to stop playing and I realised I felt exhausted.


My mind started to get cloudy, and my eyes slowly began to close, and collapsed to my side, feeling a very very warm pillow, and decided to snuggle on it.

I wrapped my arms around it, and slightly clutched it.

I didn't realise it, but I started to create a puddle of drool on the pillow. I guess ill clean it later...but then, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and felt destroyed since I was so tired.

"Huwa-?" I say, and turned my head upwards to see Hajime staring down on me, with really really red cheeks.

Oh, I had a human pillow.

"Hm. Sleepy..."

"If you wanna sleep like this, then let me get a little comfortable first..." His words were very monotone, since he was probably getting tired also. He adjusted himself so he was laying next to me, and let out an arm that I snuggled on as my pillow.

All of this was done pretty mindlessly, since were we were damn tired, and it would be really awkward if we weren't.

A light blanket layer over us, keeping in our warmth. With one arm used as my little pillow thing, he used the other to wrap around my waist, and after that, we dozed off to sleep.

Knots of Despair (Reader x Hajime Hinata) (OLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя