Chapter 8

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Ayy i'm back again. I thought this song really fits one of the main characters of this chapter, so that's why I added it. Also, it's my second favorite song of all time, so I hope you enjoy the song and this Chapter! Enjoy!



The explosion scorches my face, and sends my ears ringing. I slowly force my eyes open, and see me and Hajime trapped in a large white room, with a small black and white bear standing in front of Hajime, with his claws bared.

"Upupu, look who woke up!" the bear giggles, pointing at me.

"You stay away from her!" Hajime yells, in a very aggressive tone.

The bear lunges towards him. Hajime catches the bear, but stumbles back, and attempts to take him off, but struggling to do so.

"Wh-why are you doing this?!" Hajime asks, still struggling to get him off.

"Isn't it obvious? To sever the bonds between you two so you can't see each other again in this dream world! Upupu!"

Hajime successfully throws him off, and then steps on the bear, making him unable to move.

"Argh! You people are impossible! I'll be back next time!"

Almost instantly after that, I shoot out of bed, wide awake.

'What a weird dream that was...'I thought. Sighing, I look at the clock. Time to go to hell.

I dress again in my normal attire, and wake up Ibuki.

Me and Ibuki set up our breakfast, which pretty much consisted of cereal. We sat at our regular eating- table thing and made sine conversations.

"Mmm, sorry about yesterday. Ibuki will team up with you next time!"

"It's okay. He wasn't all that bad anyways, he did all the work for me, and we were finished 20 minutes early."

"Really now? Heheh, Ibuki thinks someone has a crush on you!"

"Nonsense. He only did it because I sucked at math, that's all. Also, I only date guys who go to a barber shop." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Someone's playing hard to get! Haha, don't worry, Ibuki's just teasing."

"Yeah I know, i'm playing hard to get when i'm hard to like." I laugh.

"Anyways, are you coming to Leon's party tomorrow?" Ibuki asks.

"Probably not, i'll probably just spend the whole night reading fanfiction or playing World of Warcraft or something. I'm too awkward in those social spaces. Thanks for asking though."

"Don't worry, Ibuki will come with you! It'll be fun!"

I sighed. "I'll think about it. Let's go to class."

Me and Ibuki emerge from our seats and throw our cereal bowls into the sink,and get ready for class. We said our farewells, and went off.

When I arrive to class, I see no one there. The hallways were empty, so I assumed I arrived really early. I sat down next to the door and pulled out my 3DS, and started playing Pokemon SoulSilver.

Seconds, minutes, maybe even an hour went by, and nobody arrived. I was getting irritated, mostly because I couldn't beat the Elite Four. Sighing, I close my DS and looked around the hallway to see if anybody arrived. Of course, one little soul decided to come by.

Izuru, who was covered in shadow from the lack of light in the hallway.  The only thing that made him visible was his crimson red eyes, which stood out in the shadow. Only a faint silhouette of his body was visible.

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