Chapter 7

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Sorry about this being super late. I was having a lot of stress this week,nevertheless, I hope you enjoy. To make up for the lateness, there will be another chapter tomorrow.

Also I checked Wattpad earlier and the 'Hajime Hinata' tags or smth my fanfic was there and I shrieked. Thank you so much haha.

I also put some media up, I hope that can make up for my lateness also :P I thought this song really fit the chapter. Since it doesn't really work on mobile the song is Fall Out Boy- A Little Less Sixteen Candles and a Little More Touch Me



I appear in another dream with Hajime. We were at the small cottage outside the beach, which was where we left last time. He stared down at me laying on the couch, and pushes some hair away from my face.

"Mm? I'm here." I say, while groaning.

"So, what have you been doing?"

"Well, um..."

I touch my two index fingers together, awkwardly smiling.

"Oh no." he says, slightly panicked.

I wonder how I was supposed to tell him about what happened yesterday. No one could really understand how I felt towards discovering that room, that torture chamber.

What if he witnessed the dream also, though? Thats something to take into consideration.

It doesn't hurt to try.

"Hajime, is there a chance you..experienced a dream around two weeks ago...?"

His green eyes lock onto mine. "I did. I a room, where atleast four people were getting killed."

"There was... Nagito, Ibuki, Naegi, Chihiro," he continues.

He removes his hands from my short hair and stares at them. "I-I was the murderer....I couldn't control anything, or say anything, I was a totally different person."

He sighs. "If I actually killed you in that dream, I would never forgive myself."

I smile and peck his cheek. "Don't worry about it."

"So anyways, what were we talking about again?" he asks.

"Oh yeah, yesterday I woke up in Ibuki's room with Naegi tending to me, and..."

I continued explaining the story, telling him about every single part, except my subtle flirting with Naegi of course.

"Atleast you're safe, that's all that matters. I doubt you can sleep in that room normally ever again."


We talked and talked for a few more hours. When the time came, we slowly drifted, and returned to the dreadful world.

I awaken at around 8:30 am, which was really early for me. I turn and see Ibuki still sound asleep.

Exhausted, I emerge out of bed and get ready for class. Today was going to be a horrible day, since I have one of my least favorite subjects today, *shudders*, it's math.

I dress in my regular attire, and wake up Ibuki, since we have the same classes today.

We dress in silence, and by the time we finish, we have a few minutes to spare.

"Hey hey, I heard there's going to be a new student coming in today!" says Ibuki.

"Oh, that's cool I guess..." I replied.

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